BucketHead Wendy

She has personal space issues. I'm surprised Simon hasn't set up a fence or something.

Big Mike
I'm really glad he's doing well, because I've always liked him, and my goal for him is to be on long enough for his "Where were you when I was born?" / "I was in the Burbank Ramada Ballroom C practicing show choir moves for American Idol" story to be funny rather than humiliating.

Poor Feldman, douche that he is, seemed pretty genuine in wanting to help Haim. I watched a lot of that show actually, and Haim's mom, who was apparently in the house when this happened, was apparently a huge enabler/coddler. He also seemed very obviously bipolar to me, in my professional opinion as a person who is

Re: Sawyer/NotSilasAdams: Seems like a Long Con to me too. He's just sizing him up.

Jacob touched all our guys, so does that mean they've stopped aging too? Is there any reason to think Jacob did anything different to Jack et al than he did to Richard? It's kind of beside the point really, but it's still pretty cool, if only for the possibility of fakeout flash-forwards. Maybe even some of the

I thought I saw some googly eyes in those brief flashes of promo though. No more googly eyes! Bitter Fuck Off Sawyer is the best Sawyer there is, let's keep him around.

I think dialogue was its biggest problem. You might have been more forgiving if the dialogue hadn't been so frequently awful. But I loved it. And I love Jack again, more Jack/Richard scenes please.

Additionally, Randy doesn't know. That was his default closing argument. "I don't know" is the new "pitchy," "connect" is the new "make it your own," and Really Annoying Kara is the new Marginally Annoying Kara.

If hot pink double-tiered skirts and giant-belted poufy blouses are back in, I have a couple of boxes in the back of my closet I need to bust out.

I don't know, I kind of like it.

Zachary Levi
This was my favorite episode in a long time. I wonder how much of that is Zachary Levi's fault? But yes, I also was kind of holding my breath for this plot for ages and it was fun to have it play out so nicely. Well done, TV.

To be fair, Haeley is pretty white.

"I'm 100% sure it's possible."

I never understand why 90% of these people sing really slow sad boring songs every single week. They don't have access to absolutely every song in the world, but it's pretty close, and it's your big chance, and you pick a goddamn Creed song? Or you take a slow Coldplay song and make it even slower? I watched this

I really thought I'd have a few weeks to arbitrarily root against The Possible Future Incubator Of Tim Tebow's Blessed Seed. Now I don't know who to hate! Also I can barely remember their names. At this stage the wheat/chaff ratio makes it kind of pointless.

Amanda Overmyer!

I actually thought he was great. It annoyed me that he just had to stand up there and wait for them to stop giggling, but he didn't seem to care.

It was me. I have proof! What do I win?

Yeah, didn't Jacob say they were supposed to help this person *find* the island? Does that mean we're talking about someone who's literally been searching for it for years, like Widmore?

Women and children were evacuated? Something in one of their time-jumps made the timelines split off earlier than we assume?