
200 pounds is fat?

No, for real. At least two comic book blogs that I've read complained about the indie-ness of the list.

A lot of people in the comics "blogosphere" (uch) are saying your list is willfully pretentious and obscure, and that you AV guys are all hipster douchebags.

Skip Beautiful Launderette
It's not that interetsing.

He may be great
but I can't hear that shit without thinking of my mom driving her station wagon, singing along.

At The Chiller Theater Convention this past October…
Somebody had printed up hundreds of flyers "protesting" this film. The guy who made them was really perturbed that Robert Neville was being played by the Fresh Prince:

This blurring of editiorial and advertising content has influenced my thinking.
…it made me run out and buy black converse. Now I am a hipster douchebag just like the rest of you guys!

Best One Yet
Oh man this was outstanding.