The Dr Walter Bishop of THIS U

@SimonArk - Episode 4. Don't know if you're a Brit, it's made worse by the fact that the supporting characters are best known for light entertainment rather than more gritty fare. I agree with you about the nightmare fuel!!!

@Studio Todd - You are a fucking moron and have no place commenting upon, or even watching, TV shows.

Direct from Wikipedia

@Bucky - I always thought that the Harold Lauder journal should have been added as some form of appendix to the unabridged version. His story is probably one of the coolest things in the book. It's especially heartbreaking when his sign-off at the end is "Hawk"…

@Pinkney - I would love to hear your defence of the term "highly commercial" when applied to NCFOM.

It should have been called "Schroedingers Twat".

A little respect…
"But at the same time, who wouldn't be a wicked clown for $10 million a year?"

@Bitch Hunter - Good call, Sir.

Because "Skitter on Take-Off" beats slide into oblivion.

I'm surprised McDonald's or KFC hasn't started selling Bieber Bits with Wu-Tangy Salsa.

Oh God, no, not someone trying something different. HOW DARE THEY.
Heaven forfend that Raekwon should do something that isn't Wu-Tangy. How dare you Raekwon, we demand that you release something in your usual oeuvre so that we can negatively compare it to your earlier work.

Stav, you're only trying to make yourself look….oh, I see what you did there.

and from what I hear, a midnight smoker.

As long as it's not Steve Miller. He's a joker.

Dude, your cousin is Rip Miller. That guy totally owes me 20 bucks.

I was pretty disappointed with your comment, it wasn't terrible but I wish it had been better.

Coming Soon, Ray Park and Lorenzo Lamas in an Asylum production…

Ooh, a tricky one, is it "Crom DeLuise"?

If we bring in the Fringe multiverse theory, would we call the other Ice Cube, the Repl-ice-ment or the R-ice-iprocal?

My research tells me that most people are of the opinion that 2010's Ice Cube would be savagely beaten by 1990's Ice Cube, I also posit that it is very possible that 2010's Ice Cube could also be annihilated in a physical altercation with 1990's Vanilla Ice.