Larry Kidkill

That's bad.

I think it was Patton Oswalt who said
'Connie Britton is just a MILF like Michael Jordan is just a basketball player'

If you'd pulled off the crime of the century, got paid to play golf and had millions of acolytes that ate up shit you said that you don't even believe, you may have to hide a smile as well.

They are not and cannot remove the statues! That was never what this is about.

I can think of 19 people that wish they had adopted that tact.
Hard to imagine telling my family , my landlord or my boss that 'I can't make groceries, rent or work this month, because I got hit by a car trying to change some intransigent people's minds about equal rights or 'fairness'.'
The Nazis got everything they

You know what they removed? The plaque proclaiming the war for southern slavery a lost cause. Go figure.

Had Damon Albarn run for president, I would have given him 2 votes.

What people fail to realize is that high courts have kept the statues as are, Wes Bellamy enlisted his own 'pickle' to lead the charge against the removal, but make no mistake, this is his crusade and he has his own crosses to bear.

They chose to be there, in spite of urging from city officials and police to stay home. Violence was easily predicted.
I'm 100% in favor of single payer, but damn, cooler heads have been telling you not to touch a hot stove for a while round these parts. Counter protesters did a stupid thing, maybe some of the

He can't hang out with the Bleach Boys baby, in a world where welders run for mayor.

The majority of counter demonstrators in Cville were white, yet they are noticibly absent at city council meetings that routinely price people, even those with a median income out of the city limits via best use property taxes.
If one wishes to take to the streets, do it against the city government which kowtows to

As a current resident I think it actually went better than I expected, the build up on both sides ever since last months kkk rally has been palpable. So many people I know talking about exercising open carry to shut down the nazis. A few others wanting to be on the scene for one reason or another talking about what

Nah, the Alt right cowards know what awaits them in downtown RVA

And brandished a weapon, allegedly.

Yes, as a Cville native, it prefers its racism far more subtle than this.

I do!

Guess who's still walking and less fat than you?

Fire Woman?

Well, a bunch of people have been gassed, beaten and a bunch just got hit by a car, all in the name of 'shutting down' these alt right assholes.
Same thing happened a month ago, but was less disastrous.
If no one shows up to shout them down, then there's no national coverage, no violence; just a bunch of angry white

She once held an opponent's wife's hand in a jar of acid at a party.