Why would he want to be anything else other than Naomi Watts' sex doll with an adoring child?
Why would he want to be anything else other than Naomi Watts' sex doll with an adoring child?
At least 3 seasons of Justified are way better than this season of Twin Peaks
That tells me all I need to know. I'll put that episode off for as long as it takes for the show to come around to some sort of watchable thing.
What was once appointment viewing became something that I'll check out when I get the chance. I'm a fan of Lynch but this 'season' has turned laborious and kind of turned me off with the past 4 episodes or so. I love that he got a long enough leash to do what he wanted to do, but also realize that wasn't the best…
They're a bunch of racist monsters.
Extreme Prejudice has perhaps the best 80's cast of any movie.
You're a bullfrog?
Journey doesn't have a banger like Renegade.
No, the former Atlanta Hawks shooting guard.
'He's adopted'
Was pretty good!
The skull fucking?
Biggie who?
Return of the Mack is nearly unimpeachable.
Isn't that the basis of tolerance?
Sadly, yes onboth counts.
Old does not equal Classic
Still better than Hamilton.
I'm a patient boy.
I didn't ask you.
Live a little!
Have you ever puked just a little bit, maybe some of it spewed out the sides of your lips, then had to swallow it cause you don't want to get bounced?
Yeah, me neither.