
Slate tends to angle their articles to be as inflammatory as humanly possible. I largely ignore them these days, since they read like an internet rage generator. Anytime I've seen their coverage on a subject I actually know something about, I come away annoyed that they seem more interested in pushing buttons than

I don't know anything about the issue, but after reading the Snopes article my takeaway was that they didn't want their kids' school to be moved 16 blocks away. Which makes perfect sense to me, absent of any other considerations. Is it POSSIBLE there's some racism there . . . sure, but 16 city blocks is really a hell

Ah, "American Idol". How can we miss you if you won't go away.

God, get your shit together, Kevin.

I really want someone to go back through Jurassic Park and adjust the dinos for accuracy. Everybody spends the whole movie running from (and getting murdered by) feathery, oversized chickens. And as Jeff Goldblum runs away from the T-Rex, it mostly just kinda stands there.

This just confirms my theory. Once AI truly arrives, it will preoccupy all that mental power with the same shit us organic computers waste our time with. All this Robo Mall Cop needed was internet access and it could've spent all its time watching cat videos and being racist on Reddit.

That's one of my favorite bits from any movie ever. Seriously, up there with the "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene from "Young Frankenstein".

"What is my purpose?"
"You patrol the mall."
"Oh my God."
"Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."

Yeah, there's a LOT of stuff that was clearly designed to play out over the course of 22 episodes that ended up reduced to a couple of lines of dialogue. It's overloaded to the point of bursting, but it does bring about a fairly satisfying conclusion.

Well, they wore Lannister armor and had Lannister lions on everything, so I'm pretty sure they were at least Lannister bannermen.

Nope, that was the "Red God" Baratheon banner that Stannis used (the black stag inside a flaming red heart).

I'm pretty sure it was the "holy Fuck, Stannis is dead in the North somewhere, I REALLY don't want to be the last Baratheon holding down the fort with motherfucking Cersei decides to finish cleaning house. See ya, Dragonstone, I'm getting the hell out of dodge."

I'm still almost positive Arya's going to kill the hell out of them all. She's not a girl anymore, she's a goddamned avenging angel who slaughters everything even adjacent to her enemies. Wear a Lannister lion? Dead. Even if you are friendly.

The series got it right. I was also endlessly amused by how they kept Constantine's chain-smoking while sticking with the "no smoking" network rules. He was always about to light a cigarette, stubbing out a cigarette, or holding a cigarette without ever actually smoking.

Absolutely, but it took some time to get their bearings. The whole first season of Highlander was like the movies: evil immortal shows up, MacLeod doesn't want to fight, evil Highlander kidnaps a loved one, MacLeod fights, lops off bad guy's head, rinse and repeat.
From the second season on, though, they figured out

That shower fight looks freakin' painful. Not even necessarily in-movie, just all the being tossed around a tiled bathroom naked, no room anywhere to hide any padding.
Viggo must have been bruised all to hell.

One of the big terrible things about the prequels (in a laundry list of terrible things that would reach to the fucking moon) was that it made "HOLY SHIT! FINGER LIGHTNING!" a standard Sith Lord thing. Totally defeated by just kinda holding your lightsaber in that general direction. You'd think Obi-Wan or Yoda might

The bully's motivations rang true for me. In High School, a dude beat the shit out of me for TWO YEARS because I blocked all his shots as goalie in a soccer game in 9th grade gym. See, he was the big badass athlete and I was a short, pudgy nerd, so besting him at ANYTHING couldn't go unpunished. That asshat was

Commas are your friend. I read this as meaning that he drained all the comedy out of one individual man.