
NY Pizza is fine (we've got it in Chicago, too) but it's not the end-all, be-all of pizza. You grab a slice on your way to go do something else. The start of Louie sums it up pretty well. On the other hand, you've got to plan your whole day around Chicago Deep Dish. It's a freakin' event. You've gotta plan for the

Well, yeah, John Candy's place in this movie would rent for no less than 2,500/mo these days.

Some people were just born to look a certain age. John Candy was in his mid-40s from the time he was 23 until he died. Ed Harris was 33 in "The Right Stuff" but looks 45. (And 25 years later he still looks 45). http://wvmetronews.com/word…
David Huddleston was 44 in "Blazing Saddles" and looks 60. http://www.aveleyman.

I don't really see Barbara Bush as an alcoholic Machiavellian supervillain forever manipulating her children to her own ends.

I think they occasionally rolled with the comparisons, but they definitely were never meant to be direct analogues.

Of all the times that's been used, I'm actually kinda okay with this one. It's established that a niffin is NOT the person who died, but are instead inhuman and enormously dangerous. The first (and correct) reaction of everyone involved would be that it needs to be boxed . . . end of story. Quentin knows that's the

See, I saw BvS as fundamentally sound, but enormously lazy. It was one of those "finished the first draft . . . let's shoot this fucker!" moments. The script needed about four rounds of smart changes.
There are LOTS of good ideas, though. I liked the idea of exploring Superman in this context, where his introduction

"Frog and Toad Our Friends . . . that's with that guy from The Clash, right? THE CLASH. I hate to break this to you Gutter, but there actually WAS music recorded before 1989 . . . what is this? You're wearing THIS to the show? You're wearing the shirt of the band you're going to go see? Don't be that guy."

Or, equally terrifying, pretentious music-hipsters may just last forever.

That's always "Fortunate Son" for me.

Simple confirmation bias. It catches all of us at one time or another.

As well as hair in general.

The internet tells me it was "Iconoclasts" on Sundance way back in '06.

I was always convinced that "Generation X" was just a running tag the media gave to whomever was young and pissed off and ruining culture at the moment. I mean, I heard about this "Generation X" as a current thing from the time I was ten all the way into my 20s.

"Sim Earth" would also be acceptable. We were the first generation to have an "Earth Sciences" class, after all. Which was hilarious, because none of the teachers had the first clue what they were supposed to teach.

I'm right there with you. For a while, we were referred to as "Generation Gap." Not quite X, not quite Millennial, and shopped at that shitty store a WHOLE lot.

JUST before we all collectively realized we didn't actually LIKE dressing like sno-cones.

Yeah, decades don't really work in perfect 10 year increments. Kinda like how when people think of "The 60s" it's really, like, '65 to '72 or so.

All. Those. Rollerblades.

Oh yeah, it's a little hard to watch. Not because it's bad, but because of how goddamn SERIOUSLY I took it at the time.
I still love the tortured, angry application of makeup.