
Speaking of unused powers, what the hell ever happened to Firestorm? When was the last time they actually joined up and used their superpower?

Yes, THAT'S how conversations between smart people should go. I'm exhausted by "because we need conflict!" contrivances that make no logical or emotional sense. (for an example, see literally everything that happened on The Flash tonight). Instead of some fuzzy nonsense about team or different times or whatever,

Sorta, but not really, since we had a B story out on location.

It's the jokes about NERDS that tend to piss people off. For a show that's ostensibly about and for nerds, they tend to be the target of most of the jokes in really hacky ways. I'm pretty sure you can find the template for half the jokes on TBBT in jokes targeting Screech in Saved by the Bell.

It's more annoying than anything. It's a show where the main cast are mostly nerds/geeks where 90% of the jokes target nerds/geeks as socially hopeless or hormonal poon-hounds or just fill in the nerd/geek stereotype. One of the jokes in the clips above is about how a booth teaching you how to make friends would make

And design policy around it.

Ugh, love that.
"NO! 2+2=banana!"
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Well, then, 2+2=78!"
"That's still wrong."
Then somebody comes along and says, "Hey, you're being awfully inflexible with this 2+2=4 business. why can't you compromise?"

I'm kinda curious where the world is supposed to just STOP. Is it in the Pacific Ocean somewhere? Then why can I fly from California to Hawaii to Japan? It sure as hell isn't in the Atlantic. When I head East, where am I supposed to hit the freakin' wall?

I'm curious how many Tweets from Trump it would take before House and Senate Republicans started defending flat-eartherism as a valid scientific theory.


Well, the ultimate quality of the AV Club has been going down for years. It was inevitable, I suppose. My initial reason for showing up and giving a shit was TV Club Classic,. And like the SyFy abomination that fucked it up in the first place, this site also aborted Farscape coverage before its time, leaving fans

The Netflix shows absolutely acknowledge the movies. The movies, on the other hand, don't acknowledge the shows at all. It kinda makes sense with the Netflix shows, at least. They've all taken place in relatively small corners of NYC and haven't concerned the type of things that The Avengers would likely even be aware

I kinda love the idea that his obsession with Coulson is just . . . so . . . vastly . . . wrong. Just horribly, profoundly, stupidly off-base. You can sorta see how he'd come to that conclusion, and it's kinda hilarious, when you think about it. This vast, long-reaching, well funded and intricately planned scheme, all

Yup, Thad's fate bummed me out when he was mentioned in "Needful Things", and it just got worse in "Bag of Bones". It's kinda creepy, considering he's the closest analogue to King and ended up with possibly the worst outcome of any King protagonist.

Well, most movie reviewers don't give extra credit for "aggressively weird".

*45 minutes of kicking the shit out of each other in an alley*

Well, that also brings up the single greatest (and never mentioned) superpower of all: the magical ability to be exactly where crime is about to happen. When it comes to street-level vigilantes (beating up muggers and purse-snatchers), it has to be ignored because it's just patently ridiculous. An old roommate of mine

Any time one of his "accent" movies comes on, I can't help but imagine Coppola/Branagh/Hackford having dozens of "would that it were so simple" conversations with Keanu. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I love his weirdly gross and gloriously sleazy description of Curtis, "She's like all these babes, you get their pilot lit, they could suck start a leafblower. And she's got the most incredible body too and a pair of titties that make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk. Ass like a ten year old boy!"

I don't care, I absolutely love the score for Commando. It's as gleefully batshit as the movie itself, at different times prominently featuring the Casio synth beat, oriental flutes, wailing sax, trombones, and yes, those steel drums. It's just such a hopelessly muddled clusterfuck and I love the hell out of it.