
Yup, because slipping on that goddamn paint is never, ever a problem.

Only good part of the movie, because that's when I realized it was a parody of football movies.

He ain't wrong. The football action is this movie moves beyond incomprehensible to the comical. Eyeball, anyone?

Not being a football fan is probably why you enjoyed it. Even if you only have a passing knowledge of the sport, the movie is atrocious. It'd be like making a baseball movie and whenever somebody got a base hit they ran to third base.

No kidding. I'm pretty sure my cousin filming a pee-wee football game beats this incoherent mess. At least you can sorta tell what's going on without a running commentary. "The Replacements" or "Necessary Roughness" are more accurate.

Wow, I can't disagree with this article more. Any Given Sunday is a deeply stupid movie, an unintentional parody of sports movies in general, and football movies in particular. It has roughly as many insights into pro football as "Necessary Roughness" has into college football. As a film, I'd give "Necessary

All true. Plus, even the supposedly important parts of the football action are fucking nonsense. I'm pretty sure 97% of the plays shown on screen would end with one penalty or another. You've got linebackers creaming the QB not only after the pass, but after the play is already over. False starts all over the place

Seriously, that fuckin' eyeball. I find AGS insultingly overblown, and that ripped out eyeball lying on the turf sent it straight into parody territory. Might as well have some linebacker rip a dude's helmet off with his head still in it. Christ, even the "me-first" quarterback thing is fucking stupid. If there's a

For all of their "you're pretty much just like us" stuff, I can't believe the hosts are actually JUST like humans, only programmable. Unless medical science has completely conquered life and death, there's got to be some pretty fundamental differences, even if they're not immediately obvious.

Maybe, but I was thinking his grand epic might already be underway. We saw him with his engineers walk into a town, where the engineer mentioned they were building a canyon. And what was a big part of Dolores' resolution tonight? A big-ass canyon.

God, FreeJack. I consider that movie the long-awaited third of Emilio Estevez's "batshit sci-fi/horror movie" trilogy (which began with Repo Man and Maximum Overdrive). It's just such a gloriously goofy mess of a movie. Where else are you going to see Mick Jagger and Anthony Hopkins share top billing?

I could see the two of them becoming MLK/Malcolm X-ish analogues, (or, if you prefer, Professor X/Magneto) with Dolores arguing for freedom but co-existence and Maeve arguing for "kill-em-all" war.

Wow, that makes a depressing amount of sense. A guy is "supposed" to be a sex-crazed panty-hound from about 12 on, so you'd notice pretty quickly if your thoughts didn't go in that direction. Since women are "supposed" to be virginal and pure, with no sex drive of their own until they're emotionally attached and "in

"Do you have protection?"
"What, like a sword, or something?"

Roxxon was also a major part of Iron Man 3.

Sure, it'll be like "Gotham", where Peter Parker's just a happy-go-lucky 4th grader and we spend all our time with Doctor Octavius being a successful scientist who occasionally makes an octopus pun and four seasons of Norman Osborn tinkering with chemicals that are a familiar shade of green, but the series is mostly

Right, the neighborhood's specific to the people who live there, so people like Chidi and Tahani, whose idea of "perfect" is no swearing, nice weather, Froyo, and throwing tea parties.

Specifically his "Letters to Cleo" t-shirt and "Cones of Dunshire".

That's WHY it was the shock. It's the thing Whedon has always done so well, using the well-known tropes of TV and movies against the audience to defy expectations.

Funny, when I saw her in that truck and the gate guard call her "Private" I thought that was a really shaky cover. Army Privates are, as a rule, like 19 years old. She must have invented a hell of a cover story involving being really shitty at being in the Army and a LOT of getting busted down in rank to be believable.