
You know, the rebooted James T. Kirk is a pretty shitty Captain. Every time he takes his ship out of Earth's orbit he either destroys it or very nearly destroys it. I guess that's what you get when you inexplicably give a midshipman on the verge of expulsion from Starfleet the command of a ship. It's a pure example of

I kinda love that it took one episode for Yara and Theon to get to Mereen, Varys went from Mereen to Dorne and back in two episodes, one episode for Arya to get from Braavos to The Twins, half-an episode for the Queen of Thorns to both hear about the destruction of the Sept AND get to Dorne, one episode for every

"GO AWAY! 'Baitin!"

Odd to think that it'd actually be LESS weird now to have a Thor-obsessed little sister than it was in the mid 80's. They could even have a cameo by Chris Hemsworth as a grumpy mechanic. CORPORATE SYNERGY!!!

Now I'm just imagining Poledouris struggling, tossing away page after page of music, before turning to his 9 year old daughter. "Daughter," he says, "I'm having just a heck of a time writing the music for a massive orgy scene. Got anything for me?"

They already have, it's called Fox News.

That's because Voyager was terrible.

Did something weird happen to Jessica Alba's face? It's like she's CG, or something.

There's a Moe's Tavern just down the street from me. Somebody apparently sent them a cease-and-desist letter, so all The Simpson's characters painted on the walls have weird little additions to avoid copyright . . . like Homer's shirt is orange and he's got a tacked-on pompadour.

As long as they have a Spangler descendent with in insane mullet-pompadour.

I don't know about expendable, necessarily, I just don't think she had the slightest faith in his ability to win this battle. She said over and over that they needed to wait, that Ramsay was more dangerous than Jon seemed to believe. Yet Jon kept charging forward. And whatever else, Sansa was NOT going to be at the

I don't think Sansa was "playing" Jon, I just think she was building an escape hatch for herself. Their joint army-building in the north didn't go so well, Jon wasn't asking her opinion (and obviously didn't really listen when she spoke up) and she's had a long history of putting her full faith in someone else and

Eh, I think Ned (or Robb) would've certainly made an effort to save Rickard (though maybe not by themselves) but once Rickard was dead they would've understood Ramsay's intent and kept their wits about them. Jon knew, too, but in that moment his rage took over.

Still the plan they had was a very good one, one that has been proven against superior numbers time and again. I actually giggled a little when I recognized the strategy they were going to employ. It takes a lot of discipline to pull off, but the trick is that the attacking army believes they are winning right up

Because Jon was mostly ignoring what she had to say. Sansa's learned some hard lessons, so, instead of putting all her faith in Jon, she had a plan of her own. I can imagine it going a number of directions depending on how the battle played out, but it was going to END with Sansa surrounded by an army that was loyal

Jon has never had an opportunity to be a commander on a traditional battlefield (his defense of the Wall was already set, there were no decisions to be made there) and his experiences beyond The Wall and dealing with the Wildlings and White Walkers in no way prepared him for Ramsay's kind of evil. He tried to listen

"it’s strange that Jon, Davos, and Tormund don’t come up with a better strategy than the one they’ve got. . ." I've seen a similar opinion elsewhere and it's kinda bizarre. Their strategy (to allow the opposing forces to attack, then allow the center of their line to weaken and envelop the attacking army on three

Actually, Pfe115, that's generally a damned good battle plan, one that's been studied in military academies for centuries, performed by Hannibal against the Roman Empire in pretty similar circumstances. http://www.roman-empire.net… You secure your flanks, allow the center of your line to fall back to draw in the

YES. Keep your goddamn head and ride back to your battle-line. Allow Ramsay to come to you, AS PLANNED. Charging headlong into vastly superior numbers was the one, single, goddamned thing they absolutely COULD NOT DO. Ramsay banked on the idea that Jon would be so angry he'd do something incredibly stupid, and he was

This wasn't about Jon, it's about Sansa. She was the one who knew who they were dealing with and Jon ignored that. In fact, take a look at the war council scene with Jon again. She more or less explained EXACTLY what Ramsay would do. Don't even think about rescuing Rickon because, for all intents and purposes, he's