He's no Eric Roberts, that's for sure.
He's no Eric Roberts, that's for sure.
Man, that opens up a whole new set of questions. What separates "playing Devil's advocate" from simple trolling? Sometimes it can be a truly good and effective way to explore an argument from all sides by challenging it. Is malicious intent the only real distinguishing factor? That would seem to be the case, but…
You touched on something that has been bothering me for a long time in online interactions. So far as I am concerned, "trolling" is NOT synonymous with "disagreement" no matter how often some dipshit uses it that way. (As I understand it, someone is trolling if they are stating a position contrary to yours that they…
I got a used car the other day, a 2004. It doesn't have an MP3 in or even a coax jack, it's just a CD player. I was like, CDs? I'm sure I have like a thousand of them in a dusty book somewhere, right? So I got to jump back a decade or two in my musical life and relive some of the greatest shit.
I guess I'm going to join the chorus of over-33s here who think that this study is bullshit. Maybe we're ALL outliers? I doubt it though.
If it's really about ethics in journalism, then why all the anonymous re-upholstery threats?
Are you familiar with "Rule Zero"*? There is a reason that it holds that number, which is that it trumps all other rules.
I'm wildly out of practice these days, but there was a time in the late 90s when I could identify most of the major IDM groups just by listening to a small sample of their beats. The rise of "techno" caused a lot of people to spew a lot of shit about it all sounding the same, but there is subtlety and nuance there to…
Hah. My ex-girlfriend decided to have a movie night with her mother, and showed her Heavenly Creatures. Her mom thought it was wonderful… up until the last 5 minutes. I think she refused to speak to her for an entire month after that.
Interestingly enough, the payoff was in the real world instead of in the episode itself. The conservative media (up to and including Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz himself) have been melting down in the past few days over the "slight" that this show made against them. Taking actual offense at True Blood means that you're…
Zombie Steve Newlin.
Wait, the writers of this show have mutated? That makes so much sense.
Well met! I am also one of the Tull fans of legend who appreciated a Passion Play. And to be perfectly honest with you, I even went apeshit over the "Chateau D'Isaster" tapes that were released as part of the Nightcap CD. I must have listened to it a thousand times when I was in my college years (back in the days when…
I'll see your Thick as a Brick and raise you a Passion Play.
I'd stick with it if I was you. The beginning is good and shows promise, but then it quickly starts to get sort of stale and formulaic. However, that is all just a ruse to lull you into a false sense of complacency. Round about episode 13 or 14 it starts to get interesting again very quickly, and then shortly after…
There was a standing rule at the job I had when I was 19 (sanitation at the U, slopping floors in the cafeteria and shit). No one is allowed to work while Kashmir is on the radio, man.
What do you think of High Flying Birds? I've listened to it probably a hundred times already, and I swear it just keeps getting better.
First of all, let it be said that this was one of the best hours of TV I've seen in a long time. Maybe ever.
So say we all.