I just looked through entire list of DW serials to find another that could be used as a smutty double-entendre… and I got surprisingly nothing. "The Long Game"? "Partners in Crime"? "The Rebel Flesh" maybe?
I just looked through entire list of DW serials to find another that could be used as a smutty double-entendre… and I got surprisingly nothing. "The Long Game"? "Partners in Crime"? "The Rebel Flesh" maybe?
My 4-year-old was extremely proud of herself for figuring out that the Banana Guard was green because he wasn't ripe yet. Heh.
I heard he runs a gym in Manhattan, and sometimes does choreography stuff for celebrities. He worked with Madonna for her last tour or something like that.
Not exactly a movie or television show, but one of my favorite uses of the F-bomb has always been the little coda tacked onto Ministry's live version of "Stigmata".
I am working on it. Some people like to binge on their favorite shows, I prefer to savor them like a fine wine. I could easily watch half a dozen episodes in one sitting (fuck sleep, sleep is for the weak) but I am intentionally limiting myself to only one ep of Breaking Bad every night. I'll still be caught up in…
I'd like to check this out, but I'm only caught up through the first half of season 5. Are there any spoilers I need to avoid in this video?
That's pretty much what my girlfriend said too, but I think she meant it in a… different… way than you did.
The chicken? No, wait, it's the egg, right? I can never remember this one.
You're behind on Adventure Time? Oh, the highs and lows. You get to look forward to the best BMO episode ever, and also the most disturbing that Lemongrab has ever been.
Re-running the pilot immediately afterward was sheer brilliance on Comedy Central's part. The beginning is the end is the beginning, yo.
At least then she got to sleep in the nice bed, instead of on the floor with the rest of the junkies.
Booby trap spelled backwards is "party boob".
The "back half" seasons are more unpredictable than the ones that aired on Fox. The episodes are not as consistently brilliant, and the tone has somewhat changed (most noticeably in the dynamic between Fry and Leela). That being said, some of the last few seasons have produced episodes that are unquestionably in the…
How about a little love for "Gardenia and the Mighty Slug"?
As delightfully fun as it is to speculate, I think we all know that it's probably going to be a relative unknown. And so, this Sunday a million fanboys & -girls will all scrunch up their faces and say (appropriately) "Who?"
Singing the little "You're not a genius" song is the best way to let my wife know that she screwed something up without getting my ass kicked.
Thanks for the mention of a Big Finish tie-in. I've been seriously meaning to get into some of the audio plays, but am not sure where to start. Care to make any recommendations (where to start, where to go next, what to avoid, etc)?
You're correct that we've had no Billy West or Phil Lamarr yet, but we have had Maurice LaMarche as the Grand Master Wizard a couple of times.
Let's get real, it was probably that scene which convinced HBO to pick up the series in the first place.
One of the best Jason-isms we've heard in a long time: