Well, she pretty much did her part in ensuring that 100% of the heterosexual male population in the U.S. will not be voting for Hillary.
Well, she pretty much did her part in ensuring that 100% of the heterosexual male population in the U.S. will not be voting for Hillary.
Not the exact reason, but she's certainly not helping Hillary's cause.
We love Lena Dunham! Please let her keep talking so we can MAGA.
Universally loved? Lena Dunham? Actually, no.
No means no.
Is this Elizabeth Warren?
Trump yelled twice as loud, four times as long, and didn't even break a sweat.
See above reply. Look up there again, maybe you'll find my apology, hidden behind your common sense.
Why don't you apologize to me? Doesn't Love trump Hate? If you are such a firm believer in Hillary's message, practice what you preach.
Again, false. I feel like a broken record. Trump is the most socially progressive candidate on the Republican ticket since Lincoln. You'll never agree with this, because you are clearly unhinged. But for any independents who, by some minor miracle, may be reading this: Trump wants to protect you, the American…
Oh wait, are you in your twenties? If so, no offense was meant for you. MAGA tip o' the cap to you, Afghamistam
Do we love liberals? We love liberals folks, believe me. They always tell you what you should do, and they cry like babies and insult you when you don't.
I'll go fuck myself, but I'll never apologize to Crooked Hillary. Not in a million years. You want to talk about apologies? How about she apologize to the grieving mother whose son was killed in the Benghazi debacle? Hillary lied to her face and said it was because of an anti-Muslim YouTube video, and the maker of…
Same place your head is: up your ass.
No. They had him whacked. He was the victim of a "robbery," but still had his wallet, credit cards, and cellphone on him. Somebody from the DNC leaked those emails. I wonder who it was? No, I'm actually fairly certain who it was.
So in other words, because he's a white male?
See, you're already taking my advice! Nicely done, a MAGA tip of the cap to you ;)
That's the spirit!