
These Japanese gameshows keep getting stranger and stranger.

She could be another Pris model

You did it again.

Tell your seven to ready for blood.

Werner Herzog

Eleni Mandell

Nigel Davenport

Deadpool is indeed as clever as it thinks it is.


Well that blows her chance for being a critic at AVClub.

There was nothing to cheer, nothing to feel inspired about Deepwater Horizon. It was a fucking crime against humanity and everyone on that rig (wether they lived or not) was complicit in committing the crime.

All the white people

Witness me! As I make an easy and lazy reference to another movie

What happened to Pod?

•Santa Claus! Santa Claus lives in the frozen North
•I just couldn't see past Vanessa Ives nude color spanx!



Gwynth Paltrow doesn't have time to be in the new Captain America movie but she can shill for rich people dildos?

What about Penny's dad? C'mon Keith? Caradine (forgive me if I'm wrong I get them all mixed up)!

Everyone who ever used that argument against me is stunned to silence when I answer "yes". It's beyond their comprehension that a bleeding heart liberal could or would ever serve in the armed forces. About 80% of the time, the person asking me that non sequitur of a question hasnt even served in the military