Space Ghost

I think she either knows what he does, or she knows he's up to something, but doesn't know exactly what that something is.

I'll watch anything with dem cheekbones.

When Hannibal started crying…holy shit.
As someone not familiar with the books or even the movies, is Will arrested in them? I have a feeling next season they're gonna still try to use Will as an FBI consultant while he's in prison/awaiting for trial.

I say the same things about Batman, but no one else agrees with me.


Ku Klux Klam Chowder


Just commenting to say I like him too. I don't get all the hate.

Yeah, I've seen interviews of his, and he seems nothing like the douche people on here seem to think he is.

Don't you mean Freedom Man?

@avclub-2d1a8576a32b4278fdaa86ddd9341276:disqus You are the worst kind of feminist. Jesus Christ.

@avclub-2d1a8576a32b4278fdaa86ddd9341276:disqus Please. There are so many examples of metaphoric misogyny in nearly every genre of music. Rappers are just blunt about it. I'd like to think I'm a feminist, and I can differentiate bullshitting in music and actually being a misogynist in real life. I'm sick and tired of

This makes me cringe.

@avclub-843f7125a533748d5477271f8eebd9b1:disqus How come it's adorable when Ted has an affair, but not when Don does it?

You are doing God's work.

Yes, Poor Peggy and Ted being embarrassed about their affair! How dare Don make them uncomfortable about having an affair! I mean they only went over budget by $40k and were letting their googly eyes heavily influence their business decisions. How can Don live with himself.

It is so funny that I never see people call any other genre of music misogynistic but rap/hip-hop. Thank God for all those male feminist rock stars!

I think 50% of the reason I watch this show is for the fashion. The other 50% is how soap opera-y batshittingly insane this show can get.

Holy shit. I can't believe you guys are reviewing this.

They've collaborated before.