The Price is Rhinocerous

I thought that was Doc Brown.

There are a lot of clever monikers, but I think there are only three of us.  Four if you include the one AVClub employee who actually writes all the reviews.

Mentioned in a review for an episode earlier in the season, but I really wish they would have just done away with all of the flashback fairy-tale sequences, and let the viewer wrestle with wether or not Henry was on to something or a complete lunatic; wether the fairy tale world is real, or if Henry is totally

He's a stinker.

I think they might be hit or miss.  I saw them in Chicago, headlining, and they played well, and sounded pretty good.  But I pre-ordered their latest album (I'm a really big fan of their debut) and it came with a recording of a show they played in New York (i think) there they played through the entire new album…and

Wikipedia.  Wikipedia.

BUT, the tamale guy is always everywhere.

I Arbuckled your Uncle (made him a lasagna).

That was good.  Such a long 8 months ahead…

Their first album is better.

A psychological thriller about Steven Hyden's psychological torment and eventual collapse, promulgated by his guilt at having pre-empted the success of his once-favorite (late) artist: Dawes.

I don't even know what to say.  This is dumb.

It was a 6.8 (pitchfork doesn't use letter grades duh!)

I look pretty good in them.  I'm wearing one right now and its dawesome.

Man.  Stupid, stupid man.

Weezer is Newer Simpsons

Don't diminish yourself.  You're a star.

Communistbob is right.  Idiot.

…and FURTHERMORE, why do my posts always have this weird format where it looks like a poem or something.  WHY?!

One of the
things I really like about this show is that there is almost always a moment
right before the last commercial break (about 50 minutes in) where it feels
like the episode is over, but then it comes back for one more segment.  This week, Nora was born and there was that
touching scene with Crosby and Kristina and