
AMC presents 'period ' drama - There will be blood

Our TV sucks real bad but I feel Indian ads are better than US ones I generally see on an average.

There is a street dog that we have come to love so much. Every morning while dropping my son at school bus he would come there where we would give him his favorite biscuit. He is the alpha dog of his street and cares for all the young puppies around. He would bring them also to us to get their share of biscuits.

I second Doraemon. It is my son's favorite show and it is surprising good. I find myself watching it for long along with him. There are some real good stories and genuine love between characters.

He would just offer a cigarette to Hiter

World War Z:attack of the drones

Man that kid looks like Jay Leno. Now Imagine the voice over all in Leno's whiny voice

A.V. Club
Too goofy for my taste

On that Pratt looks more like Chris Kyle and he is also super into guns

Only instance of when I have seen racism from white people is on an airplane. A young black woman and two of her young children got upgraded to business class (it was not even a full first class - some half-assed executive class with 20% extra space). This old white couple started grumbling under the breath and saying

Kids are also lot more discernible than we give them credit for. Among all the other animated stuff my son's (he is 6) two favorite movies are School of Rock and Apollo 13 while stuff like E.T. gets hardly any viewing.

He can always be niece

Generation Kill - Iraq invasion was pretty much a cakewalk and what followed in terms of the humanitarian, military and political disaster is something I have not seen on TV or Flims

Yes it is probably like calling someone from Mid-East a Raghead. But then Indians do get called that too a lot as we get mistaken for people from Mid-East and even Mexicans sometimes

Binder full of princesses

just when we thought he was out they pulled him back in

I Thought that was Ray Romano in the picture above.

As a parent of 6 year old who has hard time communicating and thanking people on gifts received I would say sorry for the experience you went through (something I am used to saying a lot). Hopefully the child enjoys the gift and will be happy with it.

not being from US one of strange reasons i never went around to watch any of the star wars is i never knew where to start. apparently there are 6 of them and the newer three movies are prequels or something.

Goodbye to one of the coolest TV characters ever. In our office we have a fun wall with picture collage of people posed alongside posters of pop culture icons and mine is alongside Don Draper.