Tom S

Yes, the feminist outrage would be better directed at every single other aspect of the show

It seems slightly weird and dickish to refer to Gangnam Style as a novelty song- like, it's a regular ass pop song, just from another country. Dude's not singing in Korean to be weird.

I'm not sure that it's 100% fair to equate post-syncing with dubbing, though the difference is somewhat murky- the lip flaps certainly match the Japanese track more closely, and the English actors always seem to have to make their voicing somewhat unnatural to fit the pace of the speaking.

man sponsored content is awesome

so- do people mostly watch these dubbed? when i first saw them, it was in a theater and all the prints were subbed, so dubs seem as wrong and off to me here in the same way they would on a kurosawa movie. if you watch them dubbed, does it seem ok because they're cartoons, or because they're aimed at kids, or what?

Pretend Time was pretty ok I thought

haha so the weird rules for quiddich were invented to troll sports people. i am not 1000% more on board with j.k. rowling

Magnolia, Three Kings, Bringing Out the Dead, Topsy Turvy, Eyes Wide Shut- there were a crazy number of really interesting movies from major auteurs that year

Vamps, vamps will tear us apart, again

proof positive that twilight is destroying our nation's morality

I always took it as delight in the sound of one's own voice, as Smith was an egomaniac even while still part of the Matrix. The Oracle is supposed to be a machine too, and her speech patterns are the most human in the film.

On the other hand, Videodrome has a crazy amount of exposition, all of which is so nuts that it does nothing to make anything clearer

I associate it with 9/11 Truthers, who often exhort others to take the correct pill

What, seriously? I used to walk or ride my bike to the bus stop, about a mile away, all the time, as did my younger cousins. That is not a particularly unusual thing afaik

yeah, but like- everyone thinks that's some creepy pedo shit, too. (because it 100% is)

well that would apply if the assumption of pedophilia were based simply on the idea that the little girl has a relationship with an adult male stranger- but the complaint here is that, evidently, that adult male stranger has specific designs on marrying the little girl. that's actually pretty specifically fucked up.

that would only be racist if it were a bad plan imo

“My fantasy of getting married really is to have a nice wife to take care of me, to do my cooking, do my cleaning and just be extremely supportive of my goals and ideals,” John says.

You must have had some seriously fucked up breakups to think that's normal

Yeah, I'd agree with this. I don't know that I've really seen anything of Mann's that I flat out disliked- the Keep, maybe, though that has a pretty great soundtrack- but this and the also-derided Public Enemies maintain a lot of what keeps me interested in him, with characters on both sides of the conflict generally