poetic noble land mermaid

Okay, fine!! I'll admit it, I've been fooling myself - all my resistance crumbled during that Harry Potter elevator scene!

Josh's face when he burst in and found Valencia instead of Rebecca - based on his voice when he asked where Rebecca was, I think he might've been afraid Valencia murdered her or something.

I'm pretty sure his sister Jayma is a bridesmaid, her name was on one of those bags at the end party.

Oh my god, I'm going to be so sad now if Dr. Akopian doesn't do just that!

I'll admit, I wasn't completely happy echoing the B, but I really hate potty humor and there was too much of it to ignore. So, without that one element, it would have been an A- for me hands down.

I seem to sometimes block out the memory that Santino Fontana has left the show, as evidenced by the fact that when they showed Rebecca at Home Base, my thought process was, "poor Greg, I can't believe he has to watch her plan her wedding right in front of him at work…Oh right. Damn." I miss him too.

Whilst watching this episode, I was struck by the thought that Heather and Father Brah would probably get along really well together. I hope we get to see them interacting and reacting to the wedding craziness next week.

I laughed gleefully and said "Oh dear!" all at once when he was revealed.

My couch is so comfy, every single one of my family members has napped on it at some point - even the ones that don't live here.


That's what it was reminding me of! I couldn't figure out why I was gravitating so much towards Patrick, but you're right, it was reminiscent of Oz, who I loved and couldn't get enough of and missed terribly when he left.

I know right?! I got disgustingly mushy feelings when it was revealed that he sent his plane for her dad. Must…resist…urge…to…ship.

I had the same knee-jerk reaction to that!

As half of a girl-boy pair of twins, I'm increasingly horrified that it's seemingly becoming "trendy" and "subversive" to portray such relationships as incestuous - it's sickening, as a matter of fact. Do these people not have siblings, or are they just incapable of seeing the world through non-Freudian lenses?! Same

I find it very Unfortunate that it looks like we won't being seeing Mother and Father and their adventures anymore - I'm really going to miss those brief interludes every episode.

That's funny; I actually used "inordinate" in a comment on this site about a day before I saw the episode but several days after the release, so now I have to wonder how many of the upvotes were for the word and how many were for the actual comment…

I would've upvoted this for the reference alone, but I'm also intrigued by the possibility.

I'll admit to being a total "Golden Vibe" shipper, and I loved the direction her character as a whole was developing, so I would be really happy to see her more on The Flash.

I love HR's line about how a home is more than "bricks and mortar and a turtle."

LOVED the vibe sequence, and I'm excited to see them try to use the "road map" of events to change the future.