poetic noble land mermaid

"Window of Opportunity" aka the time loop one really is a great episode. My family has this weird pattern when we stumble across TV shows via random episodes: My mom tends to see one of the worst or most depressing, my brother tends to luck out and find one of the best, and I tend to just find the most confusing. So

The "good guys" did a morally questionable thing with him, and I remember being intrigued because I thought that would make him a fascinatingly conflicted and nuanced villain. Sadly, I feel they dropped the ball on the full potential of his character and instead made him a mostly standard villain type.

If it weren't for Vala, I think I'd wish they'd just ended with season 8 (the Mobius two-parter would probably then rank as one of my favorite series finales). The Ori changed the tone of the series so much, and that paired with RDA's departure made it feel like a lot of the magic was gone. But I love Vala too much to


I'll back you up, even though I'm fully aware ours isn't the popular opinion. While I liked Farscape, I LOVED SG-1 (flaws and all) with all my heart and still do. Sorry, the heart loves what the heart loves!

Me too! I still feel cheated that the movies pretty much ignored their relationship.

One of my favorite themes from a movie or TV show - hearing it never fails to make me feel in the mood for adventure.

Agree wholeheartedly. If there's going to be another Stargate movie, I'd infinitely prefer it to be the 3rd SG-1 film we were promised but never got.

I agree; I was actually feeling optimistic about his character now that the family angst was put to rest. I'm hoping that when he does return, his character will have evolved into a less rigid, more upbeat version as a result of Rip's time away. Because you're right, Darvill could do great things with the character if

This thought just belatedly struck me: was Rex Tyler Mari's grandfather? Because according to Amaya, without the interference of time travelers she and Rex were planning on settling down together. And even if he isn't, Mari's existence is the only confirmed requirement that one of the Legends needs to eventually be

Thanks for sharing - that had me grinning like an idiot!

I had that same thought, and I really hope we're right.

I also feel like it's the kind of show that would do better being binged instead of doling out installments every week, considering the fact that it's obvious they won't catch the killer until the 11th hour. Binging it would make that feel more like a flow versus treading water.

I'm a known Shakespeare fan, so if I quote Marlowe and the person I'm quoting to isn't very familiar with either, they're probably going to guess "Shakespeare?" I took it the same way, Oliver had no idea what the quote was from and made an educated guess based on what he knew of Rory and what was important to him.

Maybe it's because I'm such a Young Justice fan (Huzzah! It's coming back!) and love the Artemis character in that show, but as soon as the Artemis "reveal" happened here, my mind immediately went to what went down towards the end of season 1 of YJ. We'll see I guess…

My brother was the first to discover the gem that is Gravity Falls and he wasted no time in getting me hooked. We loved how realistically it portrayed a close sibling relationship like ours, best friends but still able to drive each other crazy. We hooked our parents easily too, so by the finale it was a big family

I enjoyed it when I was younger , but my brother and I recently rewatched it as adults and we were blown away by how ridiculously funny and unexpectedly clever it was, and how much we now LOVED it.

I know that when I first saw the movie as a kid, I loved the film but was upset by the transformation because from my young perspective he wasn't the same person she fell in love with.

I believe David Ogden Stiers actually added the "promises you don't intend to keep" part of that line and they liked it enough to leave it in, which is kind of awesome.

That's a good theory, and it's supported by the titles of all those movies, because Belle and the Beast share the title, unlike the other 3. More recently, I read that they renamed Rapunzel "Tangled" for that very reason, because they wanted the name to reflect the equal emphasis that the movie was placing on both the