
In regards to the Bronze…
I just kinda always assumed the Bronze served alcohol the whole time, but it was just never brought up because the kids weren't old enough to buy it. One of those "18 to enter, 21 to party" places.

Tits aside, I fucking hated that girl on Dexter. To be fair, she wasn't the best written character, but still, a better actress could've made that role more tolerable I think.
Then again, she was naked for like 80% of her screen time…

Every year…
For the past 3 or 4 or years now, I watch an entire season of Entourage in the summer, all the while thinking to myself "Hey! That was really shitty!", more or less after every episode. And yet here I find myself again, despite complete lack of motivation to do so, watching Entourage. Perhaps one day I