
The Hunt was just a little too full of hokey southern sentimentality for me to take it seriously. I'm open to a lighthearted episode of The Twilight Zone, but if it's dripping with too much treacle, I'm out. It's why I despised the Twilight Zone movie… it had Spielberg's grubby mitts all over it, and the man has an

I was going to say "That's not very realistic," but remembered we had a big-eared moron as president for most of the 2000s.

"Quick Bender, interface with the computer!"
"You can interface with my ass! By biting it!"

Hey now, there have been series finales that didn't really end anything. Cheers is a prime example… life went on even after the last episode.

"This isn't a war… it's a murder."
"This isn't a war, it's a moidah!"

They're very different shows, and I have enough room in my heart for both.

He probably wants to… keep his money?

Evidently they went into a lot more detail in the Deep Space Nine "reboot" books, released after the series came to an end.  I'd hunt them down, but I'm a little worried about the quality of novels set in the Star Trek universe.

Perhaps I have greater expectations for the Trill after having watched Deep Space Nine (it's clear the species was refined a great deal between the two series), but it's still disconcerting that a being which can put on clothes and understand something as complex as language would be treated with such callous

I'd have to say Bashir is my favorite Star Trek doctor, beating out even Bones and the Holo-doc from Voyager. He's got this suave British charm blended with a youthful optimism that's hard to beat.

Apparently Gary Graham from Alien Nation: The Series and Tony Todd (who went on to play old Jake Sisko in the much-loved DS9 episode The Visitor) were also considered for the role. I didn't realize they had cast such a wide net!

I don't see why they'd need a humorless stick in the mud… Odo filled that role quite nicely already.

Everybody puts this on the top of their list of least favorite DS9 episodes, and now I can understand why. Normally I don't mind bad Star Trek, because even the worst episodes can be a guilty pleasure. There's plenty of unintentional comedy to be had, from Bones performing a rebrainectomy on Spock after putting a

Pack: Weird. I thought for sure they hired a professional actress, which speaks highly of Joan Lee's talents but still makes Stan Lee look like an egocentric putz.

Well, I'll agree that it was forgettable. Personally, the third personality struck me as a nonsensical and desperate revelation. "Hey, bet you didn't see this one coming! It's pretty cool though, right? Right? Fine, whatever. See you in Justice League, then."

"Anti-climactic" is how I'd describe it. And you have a more flattering opinion of the episode than I do.

Despite the rampant censorship (vampire Michael Morbius drained his victims' "life force" with suction cups on his hands, because I guess Saban was worried kids would try to drink their siblings' blood), the 1990s Spider-Man was an okay watch.  Like Batman: The Animated Series, it caught me up on the franchise, so I

Who'd they get?  I played Arkham Asylum but I don't rightly remember the actor they chose for Gordon.

I recall when the Wayans were consistently funny. It seems so long ago now, but I can still remember laughing myself hoarse at I'm Gonna Git You Sucka and the early seasons of In Living Color. What do you suppose happened between them and Blankman?

Flag On the Moon: Star Wars is about inserting an object into a tiny vent at the end of a long trench. Seems like the right place for a tampon ad to me!