I love you.
I love you.
"My Big Fat Greek Life", to be precise…and I really wish I didn't remember that.
I'm VERY surprised this didn't make the article for the unflinching TERRIBLENESS of that opening sequence alone.
Actually, I kind of get the Jamie Lee Curtis love, as I was under the impression it was more about her general charmingness and the fact that she doesn't take herself too seriously (as far as I know).
I have a message.
"How did they make Vergara look so awful?"
Quite possibly my favorite gag on that show ever.
I love you.
Ah! THAT'S where I've seen him. No ostracization (not a word; let's move on) here.
That one is also sexual.
Look at it this way (and for the record, I'm right there with you); at least now we won't have to watch in horror as January Jones wins the Candice Bergen-Kim Cattrall Memorial Cancer-Plot-Developed-Solely-for-a-Sympathy Emmy for Best Actress.
That rug REALLY tied the room together, did it not?
Zing, indeed.