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    @avclub-23702f44044d8e75b1e238af8c801d0c:disqus If the odds of any particular artifact surviving are rare, then a good strategy might be to make as many copies of your work as you can and distribute them in as many different locations as you can. You might call this the "cockroach strategy."

    To the extent that they are completely post-rock and not shoegaze at all.

    To the extent that they are completely post-rock and not shoegaze at all.

    "Scholz actually seems punker than most punks"

    "Scholz actually seems punker than most punks"

    I've heard this argument in reference to tape in music, and I don't really buy it. Yes, it's true, if the standard for opening file format X is lost or optical disk Y is left in a dusty warehouse for 90 years, data loss may result. But in my opinion these risks are more than outweighed by the fact that digital formats

    I've heard this argument in reference to tape in music, and I don't really buy it. Yes, it's true, if the standard for opening file format X is lost or optical disk Y is left in a dusty warehouse for 90 years, data loss may result. But in my opinion these risks are more than outweighed by the fact that digital formats

    So, the music of Hank III with the politics of Hank Jr.?

    So, the music of Hank III with the politics of Hank Jr.?

    My problem with DBT is that they have three guitar players and none of them can play a solo worth a damn. At least not on the albums I've heard.

    My problem with DBT is that they have three guitar players and none of them can play a solo worth a damn. At least not on the albums I've heard.

    "Lapine" is the name of the imaginary language spoken by the rabbits in Watership Down. As far as I can tell, it's not a real word.

    "Lapine" is the name of the imaginary language spoken by the rabbits in Watership Down. As far as I can tell, it's not a real word.

    Another voice in favor for NAIHF. The glam-rock shit on that album kicks ass. In my opinion it's the shaggiest, wildest album REM ever made by a mile, and one of the best because of it. If all I'd ever heard was this and the IRS Singles collection, R.E.M. would still be one of my favorite bands of all time.

    Nope. Those are Octobans. Great riff though.

    Right on :)

    Uncle Tupelo are from Illinois. Or is this a joke that *I'm* not getting?

    Confirmed, I've heard that cover. Pretty weird.

    "Our audiences haven't gone up geometrically, but they've basically doubled every year for the past six or seven years."

    "He was groomed to be a pop star, he was given the industry and media support to make it happen, and now it’s finally happening . . . 
    The powerful set to out win, and they do. " 
    I am now officially a fan of Steven Hyden. Preach it brother!