
Because she immediately became a security issue for the state police. She would never have been able to get to that bunker unseen and unmonitored, just for starters. Personal information once freely available, like home phone numbers, would become restricted information with limited availability. But neither of those

"It's so much worse than you can ever imagine."

I've read in a couple of forums that Jane knew Adam was kept in a shed on their property because she'd heard him pounding on the door when she took food to the cop. I must have missed that reveal in the dialogue because his sudden appearance in tge kitchen made no sense otherwise. It also made no sense that he was

You know, the saga of Ben's mommy was so dull I forgot if she said she'd ever been jailed or not. Dull, dull, dull, and the big reveal was visible from space. All I got from it was that Bridey and Nina should swap jobs.

Another season of THIS?! Hell no! This is nothing more than a short story and the network should stop trying to make it a novel. End it!

It's hard to feel kinship with someone you've never met, much less feel that stranger's death more than superficially. Even though the dead man was his grandfather, the father of his own newly-found father, there's no connection there beyond feeling bad that his father has had a death in his family. The focus of the

Ben is the kid in the house with the Warrens pretending to be Adam, which pretty much confirms that Ben isn't dead.

How could Ben have poisoned Adam? He didn't have access to anything Doug didn't give them and I doubt he gave them poisons to fiddle with. And if Ben did somehow poison Adam, why did he still refuse to eat once Adam was gone? Did he start poisoning his own food at that point, then refusing to eat it? That doesn't make

Shows like this one make me miss the old mini-series format. This really deserves to be one of those, as this story is not not good enough or truly convoluted enough to have organically lasted this many draggy episodes firstly, then be described as "this season" secondly. Good god, get it over with!

Doug dragged him out to it at the end of last week's episode. Jane was suspicious about it before that though.

Is Joan Allen always such a brick or is that just how she interprets this character? And after seeing the visit to the noisey crowded foster home, I too wonder how Ben had been able to wander around inside it in the middle of the night without waking up somebody. How is the female cop (I can't even remember her name,

That character isn't dead. So who's the Danny Ben might have killed?

"…Ben told Danny…" "…complicit in Danny's death…" Who's Danny?


Nope, too on the nose. It worked better to have the background music simply stop. We watch his warning flags go up while she continues to talk obliviously, then smash cut to the "crazy" title card. Good ending.

That's not saying much.

I would welcome that character's (Mike) death at this point. My hopes for him were so high at the start, but he's become just another petty hateful antagonist out to get Phil. Yeah Phil's a jerk, but not so much of one that he deserves punishment and belittling all the time.

So before waking up in the motel room with Willa, Ben had never seen a sunrise? Never? How long had he been down there?

When he was hospitaized with the bowel obstruction, I was thinking "It's the big piece! It's all that frosting!"

Which the cops seemed to realize, since they found it in a trash can.