
so it is going to be like Larry Sanders but with muppets?

this was a decent doc but I feel like it would have been better and just as effective if it was edited down to 30 minutes. How many ex-wives/assistants do we really need singing this dude's praises?

I also had the pleasure of seeing an advanced screening and I can say it is one of the most beautiful, tragic, and haunting things I've seen in a long time.

meh, not gritty enough.

don't ever doubt me, friend!

whoaaa I had no idea High Maintenance was going to be an HBO series. That's like…totally rad dudes.

Bayonetta's credit sequence is wild and includes a full on music video. Does that count?

yeah I would've liked to see the end credits music on here but I also just wanted to share the hospital one as well.

a glaring misstep here in my opinion is not including Earthbound on any best-of video game music list. Recently I've been jamming to the hospital music: https://www.youtube.com/wat…


Hannibal should teach a class on dealing with hecklers.

I don't have it. What am I missing?

I'm really glad Judd Apatow has a beard because I'm pretty sure his chin is probably terrifying.

those were the days maaaaaan

I'm so glad there's a CoH thread going here, it's the only only MMO I've every played regularly (and I did for basically the entirety of the game's life span). I'm assuming you all know about City of Titans and if so we should play together when it finally launches.

Thank you so much for this AV Club. This article is hitting all my nerdiest spots right now and I looooove it.

808s Ansaribreak

Purple Rain is NOT completely ludicrous. Unlike this ad campaign, amirite!?

I'm going to make a shitty electronic band called the MIDI-Clorians who play even shittier star wars covers only midi instruments and you can't stop me no matter who you are!

Bayonetta 2! Finished the first one on Wii U earlier this week and loved it. I've read that quicktime events, the only thing that kept Bayonetta from being a near perfect experience, are gone in the sequel.