
There are a lot of references to fire being a cleansing force (a pure holy fire that is, not one of those dirty barbeque roasts) in the bible, from Moses to John the Baptist. Evangelicals love this because it makes for good end of the world; we're all gonna blaze in hell for eternity speech, as illustrated

You know the selling point of that superman doll is the black-light potential.

Yea dude SNL sucks now.

"I didn't see that one coming" seems to sum up the Jim character pretty well.


Holy shit, I need a drink.

"If anything, DM is more of a ZG ripoff, when you take into account the musical self-accompaniment. " That and he totally ripped of his poster-board punchlines, unless there is some other link farther down the chain I'm missing for that prop.

I was kind of laughing at the bull semen bit.

"you know, having no MTV and all" Those lines made me weep.

I have a friend who said to me "Tell me one thing that Mencia says that's wrong?" in defense of enjoying the man's "routine". So from what I gather his fans are in it for the advice.

I've never seen the show, is Caruso always boiling underneath the dialogue or was that just the sunburn?

I can understand being disappointed with how benign the list is, it almost reads as an AFI list.

Am I crazy, wasn't it insect brutality?

It made me throw up a little.

I heard there are serious charges being brought up against Bushy, of the anti-humanity sort, if that's any consolation. Also I hear he has a small penis.