annie rousso

Omg The shipper thing. It is such a difficult place to be stuck. I know shippers are hated for a good reason, they ruin things with their sensitivity and up-in-arms attitude and if they influence the course of a show via social media it usually ends up working against said show but the showrunners encourage it and a

I have a very difficult time adressing this episode. It is not a series/season finale. Even if the montage end scene feels post cancellation this is definately not a wrap up story. Henry and Eliza moved on to the next chapter of their lives, no fear.
I am torn and do not know how to handle it, on one hand it is a

Eliza also talks with the little girl just as she did in landline. I liked this parallel. I dont know what this means, if it means anything, however. They are still young at heart like the adult from Little Prince (i am making things up probably)

I watched the episode only once because I am away from home but I disagree. These all where Heliza moments. I was actually mad when I saw the montage because all those moments were true and I felt them, didnt imagine them, Heliza were romantic. I will be forever bitter by the ending of the episode. I dont mind Fryza,

Thank you for pointing out the issues this episode had because I fear I may not be objective as I am very much disappointed in the way they handled Heliza after Imperfect Harmony.

first off, thank you for talking to me these past days! It has been a blast and made anticipation more fun!
I am not sure whether Kapnek shipped Heliza or not.She certainly made clear that they needed more time to work things out. If she thought the pairing to be wrong, they wouldnt have ended with Henry's optimistic,

Now that I have ranted, freaked out and written my headcanon fix it fic I will try as much objectively as I can to comment here.
First, thank you so much Brandon for keeping up reviewing Selfie, I loved reading your excellent reviews!
Thank you to everyone in the comments section, I know I have been a bore with my rants

I have to adress this. The tv shows that try to juggle everything, to keep everything floating and make no sacrifices are those I stop watching. It is my heartache talking right now but what were they thinking with Fryza? Henry and Eliza spent all the episode almost together, all the serious stuff are between them and

This also is more a character development episode instead of a Heliza resolving episode/closure.
I just hate the fact that Eliza will go down in history as rejected by Henry and never finding out the truth that he was scared but he had feelings for her.
There will not be a s2 so a lot of the problems the episode has are

ok. I just watched it. I read the spoiler that Henry and Eliza dont kiss and that Henry just says 'next time i will be ready' and I spent a lot of time thinking what I would write to you cause I am torn.