Arbitrar Of Quality

If you're wondering if anyone appreciates the effort that goes into coming up with that many of out-of-context lines… it's appreciated.

If you're wondering if anyone appreciates the effort that goes into coming up with that many of out-of-context lines… it's appreciated.

Haders gonna hade

Speaking very briefly about the format of the show… one way in which AoS has been at odds with its pedigree as a "superhero show" is in the setup. Superhero stories tend to be about the one (or the small group) against the many. The exceptional hero or heroes usually stand alone against a corrupt organization or

"Facets" kinda screwed up Joran already. This way he's totally different in each of his three appearances.

If it helps, Andrew Robinson was also thrilled to see Mirror!Garak go; he was pretty bored with the role. And since Trek Classic reviews end with DS9, we never have to think about the Alternate Universe ever again, and we've got our requisite shitty Ferengi comedy episode out of the way for the year too!

"Remember how clever it was that Mirror Kira was into herself in
Crossover because it was the ultimate expression of her narcissism? Well
forget all that, because it’s time for the Lipstick Lesbianism Fun

Ah, "Shattered Mirror"/"The Muse" might be a worse pairing for sentimental reasons (SM isn't totally boring, at least, although I kinda despise it). I guess my vote would have to be whichever of Insect Overlord's S2 episodes got paired together - that was a deadly dull streak.

Words fail me.

"It's been through worse." May talking about the damage to the Bus is meant to minimize the threats to the team - as a group. Yeah, not so much. In an ensemble show obsessed with throwing around the word "family," threats to the team as a unit loom larger than any threat to their vehicle or whatever. Destroying

I don't see why everyone (except Zack) seems to think that "Paper Moon" reflects badly on Ezri. She recognizes what the fantasy world is capable of providing for Nog when he's not engaged with the real world, and she's the one who sets the wheels in motion to end the fantasy once it's served its purpose.

That's one of the better readings I've seen of "Prodigal Daughter," especially coming from someone who didn't love the episode. It's almost like the kind of joke Whedon would use - we spend most of time assuming that most of Ezri seeming so uncomfortable is related to the joining process. Then we learn that she's

Although to be fair, Shane dies at the end. (Maybe.)

To whom is this show most heavily marketed? In theory, all the movie tie-ins are where the money is. Sure, some viewers are here for the Whedon pedigree [I know I only saw _The Avengers_ because of Joss, and only saw _Iron Man_ because I wanted to have some context before watching _The Avengers_] but it stands to

I know it's the sort of thing we'd nerd out about, but… so, if Zack wants to give the finale its own writeup (it's a double-length episode, so it'd certainly seem appropriate), one other S7 episode also has to get a solo writeup. So, Zack, if you actually read this, keep an eye out for any episode that seems to

That's a stupid question.

"So what's a genetically enhanced girl supposed to do when she wakes up from a long sleep?"

Yeah… in fact, the fact that they used audioclips of Farrell in "Penumbra" without clearing them first through the proper channels meant that a legal back-and-forth was actually going on already, as they were shooting the finale. So, absolutely no Jadzia in any montages. This had nothing to do with the actor

"It is… not linear" is, or should be, the accepted way to hand-wave aside any issue involving the Prophets. But yeah, some people are calling it fanwank, but I think the text makes it pretty clear that the reason Sisko is the chosen one is because of the events of "Emissary."

Obviously "T.R.A.C.K.S." tries to build to an unexpectedly big moment in which everything falls apart for our team. A total defeat, with the villain getting away and one of our team nearly dead. In retrospect the whole episode is designed towards making it unexpected. The first half of the episode is this madcap