I think the SJDS edit is an outlier that we should ignore (throw Nicaragua in there too). The cast was so bad that the editors were desperate for anything somewhat entertaining, so they didn't care about the season long narrative as much.
I think the SJDS edit is an outlier that we should ignore (throw Nicaragua in there too). The cast was so bad that the editors were desperate for anything somewhat entertaining, so they didn't care about the season long narrative as much.
It was definitely weird; I just don't think that a reference to something so iconic is supposed to be viewed in a negative light. Before he said that I thought he was going home pretty soon, but that confessional made me think that those talking about a "Tyler Winner Edit" might be onto something.
I think Shirin and Max were hurt by being on the same tribe. They enabled each other to behave the way that they did. Neither realized that they were ostracizing themselves from the rest of the tribe because they had each other to validate their behavior.
I'm not prepared to call anything about SJDS good.
I think his confessional was supposed to tug at the heart strings of middle America - could be to get them on the side of the game bot winner.
Sandra over Savage? Outrageous!
Jeff must have been so happy that an ex-athlete called him JP.
Look on the bright side - everyone finds Shirin so annoying that if she makes the merge she has a great shot at lasting til the end.
Villain? He loves his mother bro.
I was thinking that until the "your poor, you tired, your huddled Survivors" confessional. Why was that in there? It makes me think he could win.
Right, I think it does though. I don't think the ramblings of a crazy man have very much probative value.
It is extremely prejudicial though - how can you hear it and not think that he is guilty? That's going to be a problem for the prosecution - especially when you factor in the ability of Durst's lawyers.
Bob Durst's lawyers will certainly say otherwise. Considering what they pulled off in Texas, this should be easy for them.
How does Durst potentially dodging another conviction transform The Jinx from success into failure? The documentary is not going to have any bearing on whether he is convicted or not - people who have seen The Jinx will not be on the jury.
Can we get Danny DeVito as Douglas Durst?
It's all your fault Glenn! It was pretty obvious that all 3 of them were not getting out of the zombie-go-round. They owed DB #2 nothing - Glenn and Noah should have said "fuck this guy," pushed the revolving door open, and never looked back.
From Jarecki's NYT interview today; get ready for The Jinx 2: Return of the Goatee.
The same thought crossed my mind multiple times since The Jinx began airing. It probably has to do with the fact that Serial got popular during its run, while The Jinx really didn't get popular until yesterday.
I think the editors are just screwing with us re Shirin - I still think she is going really far.
Prison Mike, what is the very, very worst thing about prison?