really?! wow - that's more of a shocking end for audrey than getting blown up [or not] in a bank vault.
really?! wow - that's more of a shocking end for audrey than getting blown up [or not] in a bank vault.
anyone know if the text at the glastonberry grove site full and complete? the local library doesn't have a copy so i guess i'm okay with whatever this is considered…
looks like it covers from christmas 1967 until the discovery of laura palmer.
i'm gonna read it anyhow; i'm just curious to know if i'm gonna get three…
My Blue Velvet 2: I Can Hear Your Fuckin' Radio, You Stupid Shit
frost wrote a really good sherlock holmes pastiche, The List of 7 in 1993 - there was a sequel, too, but i didn't enjoy it as much… kinda like how The Seven Per-cent Solution was way better than any of the follow-ups.
did i miss it or was there absolutely no mention of sigourney weaver in that article? i don't know if that's because she made some sort of very public swearing off of any continued involvement or because of the inherent sexism of The System but it seems weird o'neal would mention a corpse before one of only two…
Then at some point, he apparently edited, I guess, to make me look like an idiot.
i have to admit: i giggled when i read this. "moar" - that's funny because it's wrong.
it wouldn't - fuck those haters.
i hope we're not using the same library system, because i just put the first TPB on hold at my library, too - and there was already a hold on it, so i'm 2nd in line!
15ish years? not sure i agree with your police work, there: 2014-1989 = 25
anyone read the two sherlock holmes pastiche[s] mark frost wrote a couple years back? The List of 7 and The 6 Messiahs? i really, really enjoyed the first one but the second was only okay - still, if you're a fan of holmes or frost, well worth a look.
thank you, sir - you truly are The Man So Nice, They Named Him Twice.
my vote would be Exorcist III - Brad Dourif, George C. Scott and the William Peter Blatty Players turn in a real under-rated fright-fest.
you could try Republic Wireless but i dont know if their portability is any more open than Ting is. i considered RW when i made the switch to Ting in 2012 but RW was only available in a beta test and you had to join a wait list and i finally just wanted to be done with Verizon so i made the switch and have been pretty…
basically my favorite video game, ever. if you've never played it, dig a copy up - it's really, really fun.
neighborhood eddie haskell-type: if they were up your ass you'd know!
(( laughtrack ))
haha - you said "BOG."
You wanna talk some jive? I'll talk some jive like you never heard!
was i the only person who initially read that as "ALL YOU NEED IN THIS LIFE IS IGNORANCE AND CONFIDENCE; THEN SUCK MY COCK."?
what kind of attitude is that for a professional critic to take? i understand having appreciation for the work of another critic, but it isn't like all the film critics who celebrated roger ebert just took the day off and said "walp, ebert said it better than i could - again!"