
downloading is lazy. i steal my music the right way*: by copying CDs i check out from the library - that way, i'm suckling at the taxpayer-funded teat AND stickin' it to The Man!

whats wrong with you sheeple?!! the song says "she's curled up on the sofa" but the video clearly shows her standing in front of the garage! THAT MEANS SOMETHING!!!1!

laziness? apathy? lack of vision? ineptitude? i think we can come up with all kinds of reasons… oh! here's one more: "Our lawyers convinced us it'd be more fun to sue our fans instead!"

the music industry is run by a pack of lazy fucking idiots and this is just one more example.


can i just say this dialog is a perfect encapsulation of all my hopes and fears about not just comics fandom in particular but humanity in general? here you two are, snarking away at each other when, suddenly, a reference to some shared love has you two focusing on that and [if i can make a hyperbolic statement not

was the teen titans book the one where they implied starfire was there just to sex all the men on the team? i thought that book had jason todd instead of tim drake, but i will fully admit to being hung over and having done absolutely no googling to support my hazy, hazy recollections.

ehhhh - it'll be a brave decision if a major corporate publisher like Marvel is willing to pay for creative talent capable of bringing in an audience -and- willing to pay that talent long enough that potential audiences have time to find the book.

didn't barney trick marshall into spending something like $5000 on a single suit? i'm not saying a thousand-dollar bar tab is peanuts, i'm just saying… maybe you shouldn't make unilateral decisions, marshall! [i love the guy but c'mon - talk it over, dude.]

i'm currently living in wheeling, west virginia, so imagine my delight.

i have unabashedly loved this movie since it came out and this is a really great well-done examination of some of the many elements that go into that. i also think it's worth noting that it seemed, at the time, as if Schwarzenegger really did intend this to be his last action movie - it seemed, to me at least, that he

seriously, no mention of the andy helfer/kyle baker update in the early 90's? they had a two-issue prestige mini that spun out of their excellent The Shadow series. baker's art was beautiful, chalk and pastels on colored paper. helfer's story was both dark and darkly humorous, focusing on disillusionment and the dirty

here's how off the calendar i am: got the NEMO: HEART OF ICE book from the library and read it about three times in the last week. didn't like it at first but it grew on me and i wound up really enjoying it.

there's no trade yet, is there? [none listed on amazon, at least.] i've made a note to check in once it's collected but my days of buying floppies are done, aside from the 50cent spinners at Half-Price Books.

seriously: wouldn't this be an argument in favor of just hiring a creative team for a limited run that is intended to culminate in a TPB or HC collection?

plus DVDs if you can wait that long*. [i do.]

FUCK YES. i can get AMC shows on Netflix but TCM… i loved that shit and will cat-sit for my in-laws at the drop of a hat for access to that channel.

that's the first time i've seen it referred to as "BONY" and it's fuckin' hilarious.

not to take it too real when talking about a kid's show but… how often did people all over the country mention Sept. 11 in the year or so afterward? i wasn't in the military or national security but i was in journalism and people mentioned that all the fucking time, in all sorts of contexts.

re: exposure to nuclear waste literally gave one guy the ability to see via "sonar"