i loved it not just for this soul coughing song but because it had TWO PMDawn songs! can't beat that shit… plus, the foo fighters song is pretty sweet.
i loved it not just for this soul coughing song but because it had TWO PMDawn songs! can't beat that shit… plus, the foo fighters song is pretty sweet.
anyone think Damage Control would work well as a TV series? there have already been a couple first responder-type shows and a show which tied into the movies with flashbacks or episodes centered on cleaning up the particular mess of a given setpiece could be a good way to invest more drama into those buildings in the…
i really really enjoy king's work but let's be honest: he has foisted off some pretty terrible fuckin' books on us, too. i liked some stretches of The Tommyknockers but the ending sucked, the group-grope in IT was a painful capstone to an otherwise good story and Dreamcatcher was just a horrible waste of… everything.…
yeah, i'm totally waiting on this from the library but that's normal for me - i like the guy's work, a lot, but i can absolutely guarantee i'll be able to find a pristine, once-read hardcover at a library booksale within the next 18 months. it'll cost 50 cents or a dollar and i'll be really happy to take it home and…
i actually wish he'd offered us the opportunity to check back in with Charlie McGee but i suppose there's only so much you can do with a chick who has the power to crack the planet in two… i mean, even king isn't going to take things that far.
yeah, the Parker books by Richard Stark are pretty damn good - similar to Elmore Leonard in the stripped down, propulsive narrative but they can exceed the violence and depravity of Dennis Lehane pretty easily… still, while i haven't read every Parker story, i don't recall him doing anything as horrible as poking out…
please don't take this as criticism but there are a lot of really great books in collected editions by publishers besides marvel and DC.
"…Spielberg, Vaughn, King, have their names attached to such a steaming turd. There's really nothing good about it."
a lot of people are mentioning mystery series but i tend to lump those in with fantasy and scifi even if the archmage didn't mention it… if it has a sticker that the library can put on the spine as short-hand for the genre, i think we can give it a pass.
thanks for the info, tim
see, THIS is why i love the AVClub - i love it when someone gets passiounate about work they love and makes a well-reasoned case for other people to search it out. i'm not making any promises about hunting down GLORY this weekend - hell, i only just got around to getting the second SAGA trade this past week, to give…
any Wild Dog? 'cause i honestly love that fucker.
as someone who grew up in wisconsin, great lakes avengers for the win, dude.
has john byrne seriously been blacklisted? why? while i'm dimly aware of some of his various feuds and controversies [as well as the… er, shift… in his art style], i don't go out of my way to follow the industry, so this is news to me.
i can see DC banning someone, just because it sounds like they're almost going out…
like elvis and tupac, i just knew they faked your death, kornfield.
guess that cop should have helped ice-t with his flat tire, huh? but, noooo, he had all those doughnuts to eat and… well, you heard what happened.
it's kinda like stopping back in to visit the bar you used to hang out at in college, after everyone you know has graduated - yeah, they still show the game and have the same beers on tap, but you don't have much in common with anyone in the bar and the same jokey, smart-ass attitude you used to find familiar and…
"we can go to my sister’s if we say we’ll watch the baby" - christ, that line is so evocative of class and yearning and powerless… it gives me chills every time i hear it.
i haven't read the article you're referring to, but to be fair… the prisoners did hatch a massive plot to frame a guard they hated - there were at least half a dozen or more inmates involved in the effort to get pornstache busted and daya did orchestrate the entire scheme so she could lie about which guard knocked her…