
several things about jack crawford and laurence fishbourne's portrayal occur to me…
i think he definitely starts thinking about hannibal lecter in a different light after alanna's outburst about hanna and the interrogation of abigail: i absolutely saw the look on his face and the way the camera lingered on his reaction

he and morpheus were in an absolutely atrocious adaptation of a really great don winslow surfer noir, The Death and Life of Bobby Z. it was a very, very movie but i still hope someone will do a winslow story right some day but i haven't seen Savages yet; don't know if Winter of Frankie Machine is ever coming out…

i've always imagined that, off-panel, superhero crossovers and teambooks are nothing but a big sweaty orgy - kinda like how the olympic villages are apparently full of casual sex parties; you have a bunch of really fit and overstimulated people in close proximity, of course they're gonna have sexy time. what else do

i can't tell if any of you are joking or serious. i'm 15 years older than my girlfriend and it's not an issue [41 and 26] for us.

we had almost the exact same scenario, except it was after midnight and it was bats. it happened about ten times over the course of a couple months, culminating in a stretch of three nights in a row, before my girlfriend overruled my objections and hired a wildlife exclusion company to seal some tiny holes in the roof

given the obvious weight and heft of the statue, i think hannibal tipped over the table to make it look like he grabbed the elk in desperation, knocking the table over in the process. given his knowledge of anatomy, i wonder if he didn't angle the elk coup de grace so it would also crush the arm and obfuscate the

i dunno, hannibal seems like the kind of person who would keep in shape by playing marathon games of squash or tennis, something where you can still dress up to some degree in a dashing all white ensemble.
or he could be an intensive swimmer, probably the kind that wears speedos.

this only occurred to me tonight, during my second viewing - is there any chance hannibal's visit with scully was a memory? in the books, hannibal is described as having an incredibly vivid memory and goes into some detail about his use of a "memory palace"… could he have been remembering a previous encounter with his

there was at least one season of Buffy where they followed that model - didn't she beat the zombie/robot guy in the second to last episode, only to have a sleep-over in the finale?

the mom of a friend of mine in high school used to collect porcelain dolls and keep them on the mantel and shelves in the living room. we used to put knives in their hands whenever we'd come over to hang out with that dude and laugh ourselves silly if we were around when someone would shriek after noticing one of the

this was the first episode where i really enjoyed hugh dancy as graham - up until now, there's always been a little voice in the back of my head bitching about how they should have cast jeremy davies instead. i still think dancy is just a little too fit and a little too pretty to play graham but i can also understand

that made me curious enough to google it… $765 an ounce, hand-cut glass bottle, apparently only sold at two boutiques in paris… it's possible bella comes from money or has a great job, i guess, but it doesn't seem like the kind of thing even a very important cop's wife would wear… then again, i don't think the FBI

so we're not putting any credence in the idea this was cooked up as a way to drum up publicity about the series?
i'm not saying i buy it 100 percent but i'm also perfectly able to imagine some slick fast-talker who works in TV saying "y'know, this episode didn't test well, for whatever reason, so why don't we just

i absolutely understand where you're coming from, cinecraft, but i also just don't think this is the story they're telling.

his hallucinations let him see the bad people - as will pointed out, it doesn't have to be true as long as angelmaker believed it to be true. it might be far-fetched, but -as jack burton has pointed out- "it's a pretty amazing planet we live on here, and a man would have to be
some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in

i agree that most of the characters in the show would have no idea hannibal is up to anything beyond being too stylish and urbane for realsies but as an audience… well, blatant villiany we've seen would include him directly telling abigail hobbs that he would keep her murder-secret if she kept his obstruction of

based on the way the forensics-chic reacted to will's sass-talk when they were chatting afterward in the morgue, i got the impression jack crawford probably has a well-deserved reputation for tearing people a new asshole over even little shit… it also helped me believe jack would bond so quickly with someone like

ditto on (2) - i really liked the way fishburne played the dawning realization of his wife's situation… do you think will was reacting to anything beyond crawford's obvious discomfort, tho? i thought the scene at the end, where will walks in and basically says "i'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" was meant

iplaythefox: yeah, i really love the wardrobe choices they're making on this show, too - whoever they have sourcing fabric either has an unbelievable budget or is incredibly adept at choosing fabrics that look as lush and exotic as the food and color palette. and i have to say, those peaked lapels on the

i'd go with hannibal being inspired to copy the angel-design during his escape in Silence, rather than an indication he actually helped the angelmaker - as someone being consulted by investigators at the highest levels, he'd easily have access to crime scene photographs and so forth. that's my hope, at least - the