
@avclub-8fd7f981e10b41330b618129afcaab2d:disqus Yeah, take that Buddha, you fat bastard. And word is that one Islam guy won't even show up for a photo shoot!

That's great. All I have to console myself with is my enormous genitalia.

This Old (Whore) House

I prefer programs of the genre: World's Blankiest Blank.

Judy Greer wins The Order of Lenin!

@avclub-adad33d3da210f8c6efe515ace3e7089:disqus  *Considers for a moment…. 
Meh. I say still worth the risk.

Was I hallucinating from the combination of Nyquil and Moonshine that I've been drinking the past three days (which I call Night-Shine!), or did I actually see Barry in one of Gillette's old skiing photos?

You had to be thurrr.

You'd be surprised. I've been in more than a few fights that have ended up in the basement of a seedy pawn shop.

@avclub-bf96708cdf085ba206fc100ee802b4bb:disqus that's the rapiest ape of them all!

@avclub-39df51c015ce671b473b8cf5a306d217:disqus I'm now using "Insufferable Turd" as the name of my new indie-rock hipster band.

@EvelKareebel:disqus I'd still get blackout drunk with him in Vegas.

Me too. I'm just happy I've got one… that doesn't involve homeless people.


Meh, I thought it was okay. Solid B, almost a B+.


My favorite is still the Metalocalypse guitar sound.

@avclub-edde559fee033f6691199e8565782c7b:disqus She could violate MY Mann Act… no wait… I've got a Mann Act she could…..no, that's not it either….. damn it I had something for this.