
…except I thought they were famous for their innovative secretive tumblr marketing thing… Huh, oh well. Stick to your Dawes AV club, to each their own

It's not even on the ballots… are we serious?

Am I just really out of it? Did no one particularly like Go Tell Fire to the Mountain by Wu Lyf? I realize it might not be that innovative but I listened to that shit on repeat for so long, and it seems fairly well constructed.

Seconded on the A$AP Rocky front, and Wolves In The Throne Room

This list could use a more Wu Lyf… also maybe a little Shabazz Palaces.

I'm relevant!

I'm thankful for  Community… 

Our city is worth it! At least that's what I try to tell myself…
goes and cries

This was definitely fun. I loved the way the silent movie motif was interwoven into the story. I would definitely recommend it

favorite comment. A simple like would not do.

Yeah, I misunderstood the original comment. In the reviewers defense it is real hard to review an episode of south park, but his insistence on nonexistent continuity is really, really annoying. I just read these reviews to sort out the clunkers and look at the message boards, but I totally agree with everything you're

Wait, I'm so excited for this.

Also, 'why are you reading the thing you just read if you didn't like it?' is the most insane comment possible on the internet
True fact. I didn't mean to give off that vibe, I just didn't quite understand what Nick expected from a review of a television show if not someone "reading into everything". I get that there

I don't really get why you are reading a review if you don't want analysis….

but like… there is slap stick in community… Yeah there are Charlie Kauffman references but there is also Donald Glover. Where I live might be a bit of a bubble, but it seems like the humor would be universal enough. fuckin 'merica


FUCK. I can't believe this is happening… who the fuck doesn't like community? 

I couldn't agree more. I don't get the hate and the heavy apologism of people who like it. It's a fun show all around

The British know how it' done. I get so excited when I hear the black books theme, for sure… Haven't gotten around to Father Ted, how is it?