The Devil and John Berryman

So did Seth Meyers. Why doesn't NBC just give him a late night show where he can shout his racial anger into the empty void.

At least part of the sentence is true!

No one's knocking Creedence! But no way would they be considered as influential.

I'm fine with any NFL player having an automatic suspension for even a whiff of domestic violence. Even if it weaponized against them and it goes too far, so be it. That's what it will take for the entire culture of football to stop being so toxic.

"Hey, one person that knows Beach Boys from binge watching Full House! Did you know that band did…other things? MIND BLOWN, RIGHT!"

Wait, this was up for debate? Most people know the beach boys from Full House, and not their common status as greatest American band of all time? Their well documented studio obsession was a little known fact? This really is the darkest timeline.

Anytime you have to say the words "I'm not a Nazi, but…." maybe it's time to take a good, hard look at your life choices.

They are discussing this on Sports Center right now. Decent human beings tend to be outraged by things such as this and need an outlet to express their emotions so they don't explode in pend up rage.

I don't think that's more disturbing then them actually trying to limit the first amendment.

David Bowie died opening the gates of hell, then the Cubs won the world series, closing the gates back up and keeping all of the hell that seeped into our dimension trapped here.

Have you tried not drinking sweetened beverages?

All I know about the guy is one time he showed up at a collegiate golf tournament I was managing, walked into our private banquet and helped himself to our buffet. The son of a bitch literally stole from me, he could have put a little money towards that.

He may be a horrible bigot, but he's a professional politician that knows how to act like a decent human being when required. Amazing that that is now impressive. Thanks Trump!

If there was a talking dog that practiced law, even if he represented vile hate groups, you'd still have to be sort of impressed, right?

Having a different opinion won't get you labeled a racist. Having racist opinions will, though. I've found that is the biggest stumbling block for people that get sad when they are called racists; the not being able to be racist anymore part.

And is also now a moderate?

Trump has no precedent. There were a million points along the way that should have disqualified him before the GOP primaries even started. To say that the DNC should have expected something that literally never happened before is a bit much.

Bernie Bros.

If you didn't want to be that guy…maybe…don't be that guy?

Probably be a few degrees. But the big plus with him is that even his best friends hate him. He's not getting millions of bigots fired up to go watch him speak in an airplane hangar.