The Devil and John Berryman

I was about to say, they managed to include pretty much every show that aired this season, EXCEPT for the one that was probably the most fun to watch?

We're all gonna be fucked. At least the people that voted for it get fucked a little worse. Hey, it's all we get in America in 2017.

I think Bernie diehards are number two, maybe number three on the lists of reasons Hillary lost (Comey being number one, and Clinton herself in the other spot), but I've never once heard or thought that Bernie himself was a Russian agent. That's absurd.

It would be like Benghazi If Obama/Clinton kept saying that they wanted those Americans to get murdered, then wondering why everyone was looking into it.

The President is a moron, but most of the string pullers in the GOP are evil geniuses.

Then how come every time some snooty liberal tries to pass a tax to limit consumption of soda and other sugary beverages, the same group cries about the need to protect personal freedoms. Pick a lane douche bags.

I was super angry about all of this, then I heard a healthcare expert say this will disproportionately hurt voters in Alabama, Mississippi, and West Virginia, so at least it's not all bad.

Sure, Democrats may want to give you healthcare and education. But, did you know they also drink lattes that cost, like, $6?????? And some of them even go to gay weddings. Hard pass!

Donald Trump?

Wouldn't that just make her wife a lying gold digger? I thought that was always the answer?

You just made me burst out laughing on a conference call. Thanks asshole.

They're heeeeere.

Depp probably leaked this to remind his conservative fans he's still one of them.

But remember, Depp is the liberals biggest hero! Sure, it's the conservatives that take his side when he's beating his wife, but he comes back to us when he wants to kill the President.

Is this the sort of open dialogue free of mocking you were talking about?

Wait, that math problem was supposed to be bad?? Sign me up for more please.

Like, I just see him walking down the road, and he's babbling on about how I can avoid false rape charges, then he demands I bend over? Or, have I carefully chosen a doctor I feel comfortable with, and he happens to be named Dr. Bill Cosby, and he's getting really sick of the jokes, ok guys? Because those are two

Nathan Bartholomew EVISCERATES JohnOliverWatch!

Ketchup has never belonged on a hot dog, ever, and whoever taught you otherwise was either lying or playing a mean trick on you.

I agree that far too many Berkley hippies are part of the anti-vax movement, but I also think a large chunk of the Dem voters that flipped probably fall within this group.