The Devil and John Berryman

Any time my boss says I hope I do something I yell back "I'm not doing it, get over it snowflake!!!" as any decent, alpha male would.

See what happens when you allow diversity Britain?!

Which shows that Dems can't get anything right. You'd spend your entire session in the bathroom, and not doing any of that fun stuff you paid for!

I prefer for the gypsy curse on him be briefly lifted, so he has a momentary return of a soul, and can feel remorse for everything he's done in his entire life, just before his heart explodes from the pain.

Comey is the guy that was in a long term, committed, but boring relationship, and thought he needed a change before it was too late. Then he hooked up with the first crazy chick that would talk to him at a bar, and now it's 7 months later and she won't stop showing up at his work, drunk and unshowered, and he's

Yes, but that means he wasn't currently under investigation, which means this is a witch hunt, which means Hillary's emails, which means snowflake, which means fake news.

Good. Surround them on all fronts. Let them know they are losers everywhere they look.

That was the reaction immediately on social media last night. "Boy, I sure feel bad for all of these liberal snowflakes, yet another defeat!!" was a common refrain.

Then stop voting for politicians that don't believe that. Not that you necessarily do, but most libertarian leaning types that hate the war on drugs still vote for the GOP just so they can keep an extra few bucks in the paycheck.

It also depends on where you are and how big of a municipality they work for. It's not uncommon to find amazing, honest-to-god fucking heroes in larger areas, simply because they have a larger pool of applicants to pull from. That's not to say there aren't complete douchenozzles in these cities, just that the TV

Then you get keep the power you've always had, but freaked the fuck out about when you only had 99,9% of it, rather than than the expected 100% with no questions asked.

It's hard not to be insufferably smug when you have facts backing you up, and the opposition just kind of shrugs their shoulders and goes "eh, we all have our own facts."

Craft beer sales are way up. I'd gander the cheap beer isn't selling as much because the drinkers are working too many shifts at their newly reopened coal mine.

You'd probably be paying a shit load more for a whole lot less in that model.

I miss Bright House. They were so pleasant and small town.

That's what I don't understand. I'd love to cut the cord, but any internet only package is so expensive, that by the time I add in the cost for a couple of Netflix/Hulu/HBO Now type subscriptions, I'm paying more and getting less. I can't imagine my internet provider is unique in their shitty non-bundle packages.

All the ones I have are available in Vudu, which makes it super convenient, even if their app can be pretty glitchy.

I'm very sorry. I just recently lost a coworker that I was very close to, so going back to work has been it's own sort of hell. The upside is I've spent even more time reading every article on the AV Club and I feel less guilty about it.

I honestly thought that was a code name she picked to mock Trump's background.