The Devil and John Berryman

I'm in the same boat. I don't hate that the breweries sold out, I hate that they sold out to InBev. You don't get to air commercials bashing those hoity–toity craft beer snobs, then buy everyone out and try to kill any real competition. But the brands that are selling to other global conglomerates, it's not my

Getting the 15 minutes? That's, uh, not even close to accurate. Maybe you don't know what you're talking about?

Probably on Facebook.

Palm Beach hates this douchebag though. It's a shame that the sane parts of Florida are going to be the first ones underwater.

Not all heroes wear capes.

This wasn't a very rational move. It was done simply to roll back another thing Obama has done. But Trump has also acted like the stupidest person ever put in power since he was elected, so of course every decision he makes is questioned. He has yet to do anything while in office that shows he has any clue what he's

If they couldn't be bothered to read 16 year old ancient history, they are just as much enemies as any GOP voter.

Yes, let's blame the group that votes overwhelmingly Democrat for not properly overcoming all of the roadblocks purposefully set up by the GOP specifically to limit their turnout, rather than the majority of whites that voted for this buffoon.

If it happens after a few millennia of women having outsized power and influence and casting men as second class citizens, maybe then they'll be similar arguments.

By not allowing the workers to work in their favorite theater that night, and instead have to work in one down the hall? The horror, the horror.

The theater previously had pirate showings of Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm sick and tired of these anti-landlubber bigotries!

Whoa! Meta-man-splaining! I thought that was only a myth!

In case anyone thought "man-splaining" was just something made up by whiny liberal snowflakes. Now tell us how it's bullshit that there's no white history month.

Yes, that has been the white man's main form of communication for the last 8 years.

"It's upsetting to see the glaring inequalities of this modern and decent world."

It's because white men are everywhere. I can't wait until some of these massive inequalities finally start killing them off.

You implied that men are victims of "glaring inequalities." White men are not. You fucking moron.

So…what the fuck are you even prattling on about then?

It is. But if you are trying to claim white men experience said inequality you are high as a kite.

Last summer I was talking to a friend that is typically up on current music. She was trying to understand why everyone at Pitchfork was into Carly Rea Jepsen, and at first I thought she was joking, because who doesn't know that.