The Devil and John Berryman

She isn't remembered for anything, because the world no longer exists.

And then remember when he immediately turned his back on the community as soon as he took office? I live in Orlando and can tell you no statistically significant amount of classic liberals or members of the LBGT community embraced Trump for his views on Islam. They in fact did just the opposite. His gleeful tweet the

No. I'm going on vacation in less than a month and I'm just hoping to make it that far.

They should laugh at the White House because the White House doesn't give a shit about kids until it makes the White House look bad. Kind of how they didn't realize some refugees are children until Trump had to suffer through some sad pictures.

Both the chicken and the civil rights are better at Wendy's.

Probably with a bomb.



Selfie was an abomination, but at least it was unique. I couldn't believe it was the same group when I started hearing the newer songs that are nothing more than muzak for Coachella.

I recently realized how much of a condescending ass I can be to my coworkers, so I've been trying extra hard not to mock them for their terrible taste in things. Then the other day one of them asks the group "Do you guys like the Chainsmokers?" and I froze. I ended up mumbling something about not being very familiar

Even at 16 I should have known better than seeing Carrot Top's Chairman of the Board in theaters, no matter how bored I was. My friend and I were the only people in the theater, and it just made me profoundly sad. Which, I suppose, is the only acceptable reaction to spending money on a Carrot Top film.

No, just the nightmare we're all stuck in.

All of those drug store versions were nearly unusable. The cheap controller system required you to stay directly in front of the unit to keep a connection.

And does bad things. And has empowered terrible people, both directly in his administration, and indirectly nationwide? That doesn't seem that hard.

Because we live in a misogynist dystopia.

Where do you see his approval rating rocketing? 538 and Real Clear Politics are showing minimal gains that still put him at historically low levels.

Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, and Orange are usually big enough Dem blowouts to overcome the rest of the stupid state. But those are also, unsurprisingly, the only parts of the state you'd want to visit. He could go up to the Redneck Riviera to be with his people, but even he doesn't want to interact with those weirdos.

If we're gonna hate someone, might as well be a Nazi.

It is super odd that people prefer a respectful, professional, but by no means perfect administration over the current circus of horrors we're all stuck in.

None of the residents like that jackass either, especially since he ties up their roads, airports, and law enforcement, with no benefit to them.