The Devil and John Berryman

Psh, like anyone could ever truly get power that way.

She looks 21 in the header, and 45 in the photo within the article.

I fear this is Tomi's route to a cable network gig, thus making her even more omnipresent.

Or anyone in his Cabinet.

"There's no way they'll be able to get in to our country then!" says drunk jack asses that just took a flying contraption over the land the wall would be built.

Don't link to things from Before Times. It's too depressing.

They'll turn on him when it fails. But the problem is that may not realize it failed until 2021.

Just say most racist, put an * next to it, and let them look at the footnotes for more info.

My dad's dad was captured in North Africa. I'll now assume that our grandfathers had wild adventures together in Tunisia until proven otherwise.

My grandpa was in a German POW camp for two years, so I feel like he'd be pretty pissed about this. But I never met the guy, maybe he was a piece of shit, I don't know.

You pull it up then drop it on the other side. Have you never broken in somewhere?

No way man. Perry is the perfect pop star. Fluffy, catchy, inconsequential, and in on the joke. I'll take a million of her over a Swift or Gaga that take their shtick far too seriously.

That time he said he could shoot someone and his supporters would still love him seems pretty spot on.

If you know who JFK and Stalin are that likely makes sense in context. But if was a list of three things that may or may not be known by the listener, rearranging the order does nothing. Not to mention adding a tiny mark is so, so much easier than rewriting every list you make. If your argument is that sentences

Ok, but what if JFK and Stalin are the strippers?

As 2 Broke Gorillas posted above, one extra tick mark would have saved a trucking company millions. Why have commas at all if we are going to ignore them if they happen to fall at the end of a list.

There is no way it could be calculated. He doesn't have the mental capacity to remember the lies he's been told to tell to distract people, let alone come up with them on his own. He's a moron flying by the seat of his pants, and all he knows is how to entertain the group directly in front of him at that second.

Why would you ever skip a comma when it's necessary? Just because you don't feel like typing one extra button? The point of language is to convey information, and not using the oxford comma obscures what information you're trying to convey. It's a big problem with an incredibly simple solution.

Nothing personal, and in no way am I being hyperbolic, but you are worse than Trump.
