The Devil and John Berryman

“I'll tell you the whole history of it,” Giuliani responded eagerly. “So
when [Trump] first announced it, he said, 'Muslim ban.' He called me
up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it
legally.' "

Susan Sarandon got what she wanted, and she's still complaining?

What the fuck do high schoolers do now? That's pretty much all me and my loser friends did in the suburbs in the mid 90s. I guess they just sit around snap chatting nudes to each other?

I substantially cut out meat from my diet about six months ago, and I was shocked at how often I found myself at Taco Bell after that.

It was such an easy thing to have, to even just look like they gave a shit about people. Just ignore the fucker if you hate it. But this seems to clearly be a result of the "Trump is a Whiny Bitch" petition, and is just another example how he can't take even the smallest, most meaningless bit of criticism.

I could maybe, sort of, if I squinted hard enough, understand why someone would be inclined to say that on November 9th. But by now, even just a week into his administration, and months into his transition to at least President-Elect, what the fuck are you even talking about? He had a chance, and he immediately

"But sir, we used only the best, Trump-brand Straight Jackets!"

Then he's doing a terrible job, because it is impossible to find any article about him without this exact same comment.

I get so irritated when people scream at celebrities that no one wants to hear their opinion. They have just as much a right as any other citizen. But that speech was a perfect example of why that thought exists. She was invited there for no other reason than she's famous, and she clearly had nothing intelligent to

The great thing about Trump is those are all completely accurate!

But now you're casting Trump in the role that he wants; an armed child that defeats cartoon villains trying to break into his home, that don't exist in the real world. And someone classy enough to scam a free stay at a Trump hotel.

The President hasn't, and his entire campaign was built around saying offensive bullshit on Twitter.

And then still getting mad at them for looking slightly different.

If they truly believe that the Democrats are investing time and resources into committing voter fraud in states that they will always win no matter what, wouldn't they just want to keep letting them waste their time and money doing that? That would just be mind a boggingly dumb thing to attempt for zero benefit, so

Are you asking for examples as to why she's a strong candidate? A popular Senator and Secretary of State, with her experience fighting for women's rights and children? Well, there are those things. You don't have to agree that she did a good job in any of those areas, but any other politician with that resume would be

Her resume?

All campaigns, even successful ones, make errors. This was a big one, but that does not mean her entire existence as a candidate was flawed.

Not really. They were left at Trump properties, and in many cities, the local historical societies had a designated drop off area so the signs could be preserved.

As someone who loves both seeing Richard Spencer getting punched and jerking off, I'm fine with that.

How exactly isn't this about culture? And how could anyone not be entertained by Nazi's getting punched?