The Devil and John Berryman

-And people who also think that Reagan was the greatest American to ever live

It's gonna be 8. Just prepare for it now so you aren't completely crushed in 4 years.

What better way to show the world that they aren't special little snowflakes, that they are the real men, than by storming internet forums and demanding people be nicer to their sad little President.

Thanks god! Sure, Trump is verifiably worse in every possible way, even if compared to the nightmare she-devil version of Hillary that only exists in the minds of angry, lonely men. But hey, at least we didn't give a broad that much power! High five!

Last night, one of my coworkers was railing on how she hates how political these award shows get. So, empathy, compassion, and not making fun of people with disabilities; now a partisan issue. Hooray!

I just really wish he'd stopped calling everything that disagreed with him "overrated" or "failing." You're allowed to have negative opinions on people and things that are otherwise popular with a wide audience. But, jesus fucking christ dude, how convenient that everyone that attacks you just also happens to be

You mean to the millions of Americans watching on TV, including the almost President, that are being incredibly hostile?

Certainly not by white people. Which is what it's always about, isn't it? White people that really, really, really wish they were still allowed to say racist words in polite society.

Because he voluntarily left his incredibly popular show to spend more time with family and his charities. What a piece of shit!

I have no reason to believe he or anyone else on Fox News is capable of self reflection or regret.

Bo Bice looks exactly how you imagine someone named Bo Bice would look.

Yes…but that's mostly what America is made up of.

Uhh…denying her a majority of pledged delegates? That's not even close to true.

Actually, she had her best year since she launched.

I'm honestly shocked it's not her.

The only times it's used as a pejorative is when discussing white people that think it's so hard to be white, and are sick of all those rich minorities catching all the breaks. Fuck those honkeys.

But they didn't do anything unethically. They preferred Clinton. The GOP preferred anybody but Trump, but their primary voters still picked him.

Prop 187 killed the GOP in California. It's why Republicans are still worried about the future of the party, even while controlling all aspects of government right now.

He was sort of like Trump, in that he really didn't expect to compete, and just wanted to get his message out. Now, Bernie's message of economic disparity was much better than Trump's message of fuck foreigners, Trump Rules, but their goals were similar. Neither were prepared to run an actual, living, breathing

He wasn't wrong. He doesn't make predictions. He gives probability, and he was banging a drum for weeks that Trump was within the margin of error, and for Dems not to get over confident.