The Devil and John Berryman

The Cubs absolutely were a sign of the apocalypse, but I'm not sure if they were a symptom of already impending doom, or the cause. I'm inclined to believe they were a symptom, what with Bowie and Prince already being gone, but I'd be fine erasing their title to see if that fixes things.

We're going to have to let a few of these bigot manifestos come to light with zero comment. No demanding firings on Twitter, no banning these idiots from college campuses. Once they are no longer viewed as some rebels against the man, they'll just die out of boredom. It's just going to be very painful having to bite

The thing is, the old conservatives aren't Trump's bread-and-butter. They are the GOP's bread-and-butter, and they reluctantly went along for the ride because their party told them to. But there's a reason they kept trying to force Cruz or Kasich to the top of the ticket. Trump's bread and butter really is with the

I think what bothers me the most about his book is that it's called Dangerous. For someone who likes to claim they are such an original, out of the box thinker, that sure is a fucking boring, on-the-nose, obviously zero though put into it title.

I don't believe most people in America outgrew it. At least not the white ones that voted and think things like "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" are our greatest national threat.

No way would anyone bring the Bulls! Wahlberg might finally succeed in kidnapping Jimmy Butler.

I kind of hate this answer, because it's certainly not advice that I follow myself. But I think we need to start ignoring these idiots. Not politicians that are actually advancing hateful legislation. But pieces of shit like Milo that clearly only care about getting a rise out of decent people. We should start

Ann Coulter is a horrible human being, and I'd bet good money is a gigantic bigot. But everybody knows that Milo is a gigantic bigot because it's a proud part of his schtick.

Ah fuck, it's going to be Tomi Lahren isn't it.

The mere fact that you're asking tells me that you're not ready to know.

One of the most shocking things I discovered this holiday season while off from work and trying to find something to watch on TV is that Robert Irvine now has a daytime talk show. And not even a food focused talk show. Straight up Maury Povich, my wife fucked someone else, help me talk show host type of talk show.

"Challenge accepted!"
-Donald Trump

I agree with your ownership plan 100%. I think that's really where the city's are getting fleeced. Pay a reasonable amount to build it, but then own the mother fucker. That's the way it works in my city, and it really has been a boon for the local economy because the city has control.

The cost and longevity of the stadiums are getting out of control (looking at your Atlanta Braves, leaving your 20 year old field). But the general idea of governments funding facilities isn't bad. It's the same sort of thinking that would encourage a local government to invest in anything. The ROI on the stadiums can

This is what I don't get. If Hillary had won, you know what I'd be doing? Celebrating. Celebrating that maybe the rights we've gained over the last 8 years won't disappear, that maybe we'll have a fighting chance against climate change, that maybe we'll finally be able to fill the Supreme Court. You know what I

I like to fall asleep to PBS how-to shows like This Old House or Lidia's Kitchen. They're interesting enough to watch while awake, but also boring enough to help lull me to sleep. Anytime they are on a fund drive and interrupt their usual schedule, DD&D is my backup boring enough to sleep to show.

Please, let's never stop talking about the Belk Bowl. That was nothing but a non-stop embarrassment for Bert Beliema.

The 2nd worst part; my god is their QB a douche bag.

But each week did have dire consequences. If Penn State doesn't lose to Pitt they are in the playoffs.