The Devil and John Berryman

This is the exact reaction dog whistlers are hoping for. It is explicitly meant to appeal to their racist base, while those on the outside see an over-reaction from the opposition, because no one could dare be that crass, right? Maybe I'm too close to it, since I'm in Central Florida, but skittles, within the context

We don't screen newborns?! Thanks Obama.

Lucky for us, Trump always adds the offensive statement so there's no grey area.

First I'd find out why the budget of the FDA was slashed so they couldn't properly screen the Skittle's as they were packaged.

Remind me again when anyone made a serious policy proposal to ban men from the country?

W. was a President that I didn't at all agree with on pretty much any issue, but we were having the same debate. Trump, meanwhile, is paying poor people to shoot immigrants in the backyard while the adults are having a debate about actual issues inside.

That is pretty much Trump's evil super power. Just a constant stream of overt, literal racism, and eventually the people that are only half paying attention will get sick of the opposition always crying racism. No way, they'll think, is it possible that this candidate is being that racist, that often, so it must be

I didn't realize she had a role in the GOP primary process.

For months I've been confident-boarding-on-cocky that Trump was going to lose and lose yuge. Then the last few weeks happened and I'm honestly having trouble sleeping I'm so concerned. Hoping that pollsters are just desperate for clicks sounds way too close to "unskew the polls!" for my liking. I think it's just as or

Hilary Clinton isn't a violent fascist. Or, at least, she's not opening campaigning on that platform.

-Trump voters, in response to pretty much everything.

You mom sounds like my mom. And my mom is a horrible person.

See…here's what I don't get. The fears of Armageddon with Clinton. I can totally get not liking her. I can totally get why she would have a low favorability rating with some people. But her biggest flaw is that she's the exact same type of politician that we always nominate, on both sides of the aisle. That doesn't

So we're clear, the "safe space" are the shows that have actually been holding Trump's feet the fire and examining the impact his policy positions would have, and the guy that isn't a hugbox is the one that's giggling while playing with Trump's hair? Got it.

How often do talk show hosts play with political candidates hair?

I honestly thought the point of your story was how cheap it was for Wrigleyville.

Everyone knows white=Christian American.

She got treated the same way most male athletes do; ignored by her employer, and denounced by the public.

"Make America Great Again" doesn't exactly sound like a rallying cry for people looking to be ahead of the times.

If anything, wouldn't a Trump presidency teach us all that we should be going out of our way to be as disrespectful as possible, at all times?