The Devil and John Berryman

Check back on this comment section sometime over the weekend, and there's a good chance you'll find plenty of new comments from late arriving and barely literate MRA asshats.

I just assumed Superb Owl was a way for drinking establishments to advertise the game without getting crushed by the NFL's copyright team.

They should just watch them now on YouTube and spend their Sunday doing something more productive. I've already watched the Budweiser commercials so I'm not surprised and don't get as violently angry as I did last year with their "Fuck Good Beer" ad.

On paper it shouldn't be a good game. But I get hesitant anytime there is a general consensus that one team is going to dominate, as everyone is guessing the Panthers will. Also, the Panthers were fueled by being the underdog all season. Now, they are the favorite, and I have a feeling Denver's D is going to keep them

"Cruz/Manziel All-Texas ticket wins in landslide"

Read literally any discussion about Entourage. On this site alone you had Sean O'Neal's brilliant fake script that had a new entry any time Entourage was in a Newswire.

Then we would literally have no politicians and anarchy would be unleashed.

There are a lot of awful, awful people at ESPN. But god damn does Danny Kanell have his sights set on Skip Bayliss to steal his crown.

As a general rule, yes, you can separate the artist from their art. However, so much of the Cosby persona was wrapped up in his holier-than-thou, kids-today shtick that I think it's fair to ding the show for him failing to live up to his own standards. It's like when a politician has a sex scandal. No one cares unless

This particular soundtrack was able to catch on because it has a unique hook ("It's a rap musical!"), and because you can experience almost the entire play just via the songs. I'd bet 99% of the show's fans have yet to see it live, but you can really experience the entire story just by listening.

I feel like you've never read a Woody Allen article on this site if you're under the assumption that it's filled with praise.

Before the ESPN.com commentariat found the site it was truly great. It's now less great, but still far, far better than any other political/news site. It's pretty much the AV Club of politics.

The internet desperately needs more places to sensibly talk about politics. The current list is 538, and…uh…that's it.

It's easier just to say "Trump Voter."

Hey, you guys created this asshole, so don't lay this blame on us.

He would be a complete the disaster. Luckily for him, everyone else running would be an even bigger disaster.


Every four years the republicans put out the best comedy on television. How is that not relevant to the AV Club?

My personal politics line up a whole lot closer to Sanders than Clinton, but Bernie has no real shot. He has the same demographic problem that Trump has. For the most part, they have the support they're going to have, and the segment of the population that would never vote for them is too much to overcome.

But isn't a British conservative pretty much just a Clinton?