The Devil and John Berryman

Wait, did I miss an incredibly depressing newswire about the show not getting picked up?!

I don't understand why you'd ever interact with someone that doesn't watch You're The Worst. What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with them??

They said truly terrible. That movie is only plain terrible.

Wasn't he 17 or 18 in the first book?

Guy who'd rather people die so he can have more money to buy million dollar records, guy who wants us to go back in time to the kinder, gentler days when white christian men had all the power, guy who looks like a douche and writes mopey songs. I'm thinking of one of these guys does not belong?

Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, I can all but promise you there is a sci-fi/fantasy book club near you. Either at a book store, or just as likely, at a local bar. I'd Google the best craft beer bars in your area, as those tend to attract a more diverse clientele than your run of the mill dive, then check out

If only there was some sort of way to read about what songs they are referencing.

And you have Cheney leading everyone into a big mess because, fuck you, that's why.

I remember the episode with the bastardized version of the Beach Boys, which is what led me to not give the Beach Boys an chance until I was a high school senior. So fuck you Full House for robbing me of years and years of listening to Pet Sounds.

Here's the thing. I think some of the mass polarization in the country right now is because liberals look at the evil shit republicans are doing and say "holy fucking shit, that's so fucking evil!" Then good, decent people that have been republicans their whole life go "there's no way that's possibly true! My

Why would they? Facts have a known liberal bias.

Facebook should institute a "Factually Incorrect" tag like they had to do for Satire since no one could bother figuring that out on their own.

They fail, over and over again, to connect the political rhetoric they think they are supposed to support with actual, real world consequences. I don't think it's out of ill will or stupidity. I think they are just too busy to spend hours a day doing real research, so fuck it, I'll just trust that my neighbor got it

Yeah right. Like anyone would object to a simple vaccine that could cure horrible diseases that ravaged our world for centuries.

It is far more likely that artists that barely have enough money to sustain themselves are paying the AV Club to include them on a meaningless year end poll, rather than to just think some people have different taste in music than yourself.

No, just like their solution to gun violence is more guns, their solution to their national political brand problem is to be even more conservative.

That's my theory. It's the death rattle of the old, racist, bigoted ways that used to be the norm. The hate is getting hotter just as it's about to explode into oblivion.

Yeah, I found that very odd from a publication that has gone on the record numerous times defending the band. It's one thing to not be a fan, but to single out that particular album just makes no sense.

I believe it is something like September of the previous year through August of the current year, or something totally random like that.

That is what it actually means.