Token Black

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus I like Andrea, but I think she's proven herself to be not particularly adept at handling the pressure of being a possible target.

In other words, wtf is context lol????

Look, I completely understand the kneejerk hatred towards anything Seth MacFarlane does or says, but you guys are really stretching yourselves thin here. There is nothing hypocritical about depicting abhorrent behaviour in a fictional comedy about fictional people and then decrying someone recontextualizing that piece

This bothered me as well, mostly because it felt glib, but also because an episode dealing with the injustice of what was done to him would've actually been an interesting one to watch. Personally, I hope they bring the lawsuit back at some point in the near future and actually deal with the issue of prosecutorial

Can't figure out if the irony of Obama bemoaning people "instilling fear in others and destroying the lives of innocent people" is intentional or not. Probably not going by the tone of the article.

Felt like this episode had more original ideas in it than the last three years of SNL combined. Not all of them were executed well, but it was refreshing not to see a bunch of retreads with the same, safe premises that is SNL's stock-in-trade.

This is exactly how I feel about McKinnon. I think she's a talented performer, but she seems incapable of playing a role without desperately mugging for laughs, and her standard over the top bug-eyed look is especially irritating in supporting roles where she's supposed to be playing someone "normal". It's like she

I don't care for Reynold, but he was put in a tough spot that he - and pretty much everyone but Malcolm - did not see coming and had very, very little time to think through all the different possibilities. His decision in the end was mostly instinctual, I think, and that's down more to Malcolm being smart and putting

Her conversation with Eddie is probably one of the better bits of drama we'll see this year, scripted or otherwise. Those few seconds when Andrea begins to realize she could be a target and the camera zooms in on her as the panic starts to spread in her eyes to the immediate cut to her looking and sounding completely

I usually don't give a shit about accents, but yeah, hers was all over the place. I find accents that keep fluctuating during a performance far more bothersome than the ones that may not be specific to a region, but still remain consistent.

Man, what a waste of John Noble.

She may not be a good person, but I liked her in this episode. The baby on an airplane comment was pretty funny, and her calling Julia The Race-Car Passenger boring was great, because Julia is incredibly boring. The weird "he's my gay" stuff was a bit cringeworthy however.

This article reminds me of that Louie bit where he talks about people overusing words like "genius" and "hysterical" to the point where they don't mean anything anymore.

[eats Gary X's eyeballs because that's what heterosexual men do]

I haven't heard MacFarlane's joke, but I imagine it's because Tina Fey & Amy Poehler are universally beloved, while Seth MacFarlane is not. That's usually how these things work.

Likewise, as far as being a laugh-inside-my-head type and genuinely laughing out loud at that bit. I think part of it was the element of surprise because I didn't really see it coming, but I watched it again after finishing with the episode and it's just a perfectly crafted piece of comedy.

Well, she's certainly not the most well-developed character, but she did make sense to me for the majority of the season as the "ambitious reporter with highly questionable ethical standards who's in over her head". Her sudden, inelegant transformation into what I think is the "journalist who just wants THE TRUTH" in

I don't get all the hate for Zoe Barnes, but that may just be because I'm attracted to Kate Mara.

Michonne is so goddamn awful that if the Governor and her were to get into a duel again, I'd be rooting for the Governor.

Loved this episode. The woman playing the bereaved grandmother during the mock trial and going waaaaaay over the top after saying "I don't do maudlin" is probably the hardest I've laughed all year. She was excellent at playing a terrible actress and the reaction shots were absolutely perfect.