Token Black

I'm pretty certain it was never explicitly stated until that conversation with Jessica and Brody. I think Jessica figures it out when Carrie shows up outside their house early in the morning to tell Brody that Walker is alive in Episode 8…towards the end of the conversation, Jessica walks out to see them talking and

That feeling may have been exacerbated by the fact that last season was slower moving than the first three and was in more of a "holding position" in terms of plot for longer into the season than usual…it may have been an intentional move seeing how trapped and stuck Walt felt himself, but yeah…

I watched the first 7 or so episodes of Homeland in 2 nights before catching up with everyone else, and I loved it. Saying people who watched a bunch of episodes at once didn't love or appreciate the show on the same level as the people who watched it week by week because it's a "slow watch" or whatever is an

Yeah, I've been doing the same. The comment section is pretty quiet for the first season before suddenly blowing up in season 2. And yeah, the success rate of predictions is really, really low.

I binged on the first 2 sesons of Breaking Bad as well, and I thought it was really good if not great. Rewatched the whole series before the beginning of Season 3 with a friend who was new to it and I absolutely loved it. I was so wrapped up in the tension and plot the first time I watched it that I completely missed

Yeah, I'm with you on Lost. Reading the discussions and (often insane) theories online after every episode were often almost as much fun as watching the show, until season 6 when they were definitely more fun than watching the show.
To be fair (re: your point about not enjoying it on dvd), LOST is not a show that is

It was painful because you couldn't wait to spend more time with the characters, right?

What was your initial reaction to the ending (other than confusion, I guess)? I watched the whole run in a span of a couple of months for the first time last year, and my immediate reaction was mixed but leaning towards "I liked it". I remember looking up some of the reactions/analysis on the net and that is where I

Let me try and one up that keen bit of insight by saying that the majority of every single genre of music is terrible.

YES. I absolutely loved that. The instant reaction of incredulity mixed with contempt/disappointment was absolutely perfect and told you everything you needed to know about Saul and the nature of his relationship with Carrie.

You're expecting too much from an electronic music review on the AV Club. They have always been terrible.

Dubstep (the original UK version and not the Skrillex kind) has splintered into so many different directions over the last few years, so the only thing most of these artists have in common is an emphasis on subbass:

@avclub-b3e157f795f95a0eeddae30fc92ebd3d:disqus  Oh, it is.

Yeah, it's great and a good example of maximalism done right.

@avclub-d93ec7b7eb3f33fb25e81003137a213d:disqus  What? I love Aphex and Tricky (well, mostly Maxinquaye and Angels With Dirty Faces). I was referring to Mikosqz's description of brostep (ie shit like Skrillex) being too complimentary.

"Prodigy with acid filters and distortion" makes the other kind ("brostep") sound way better than it actually is. "Robots farting" would be more accurate, although even that makes it sound way better than it actually is.

Skrillex is fucking awful.

…Six hours, 15 minutes in, Sud finally loses it and yells "I traveled all the way from LA to do this goddamn interview, so someone owes me a fucking explanation. I did not just lose all these hours of my life for nothing!!" to an empty room. In comes Nathan Rabin, dressed in an all red suit, holding a miniature water

They should have a walkthrough of The Killing where they make Veena Sud wait in their office for six hours while occasionally sprinkling her with water and having a different member of the staff come in with a recorder, a pen and a piece of paper every 30 minutes and sit in complete silence until she speaks. When she

The not so subtle disses of a co-producer I imagine he's going to continue working with were weird though….unless there's a corresponding feature with Howard Gordon on EW - or whatever the opposite of the AV Club is - headlined "Alex Gansa? More like Alex GAYnsa!" where Gordon EVISCERATES Gansa for cutting out the